Training A Prophet

Jim Leffel
1 Kings 17:1-24

The Word of the Lord is powerful. It attracts some while repulsing others. Elijah's role as a prophet was to speak for God. How can we share God's word in this day and age? This teaching will cover how the Word of God spreads.

Setting the Stage

Jim Leffel
1 Kings 16:29-33

Elijah and Elisha are prophets of God. During their time of service to God, there are many critical issues that surface. This teaching is an introduction to the story of these prophets and answers some questions about God.

The Anonymous Servant

Mike Sullivan
Leviticus 16:14-15

Isaiah gives many prophesies about the Messiah who is to come. In his predictions about the anonymous servant, he reveals both a great ruler and one who endures great suffering. Common objections to Isaiah's prophesies are reviewed and refuted.

The Blind See

Ryan Lowery
John 9:1-41

Jesus' disciples ask him why a blind man is blind, reflecting popular opinions of the time as to the reason. Part of Jesus' response is to heal the man, demonstrating God's power and compassion, and fulfilling a Messianic prophecy. Jesus stands willing to address our spiritual blindness in a similar way.

No god but God

Mike Sullivan
Isaiah 30:20-22

God responds to the idolotry of the Israelites by describing some of His character and nature. He warns them against being fearful and trusting in useless idols. Ways of identifying idols in your life include: things you feel you can't live without, pursuit of something that leaves no time for God, extreme emotions related to a certain thing/career/person or an inordinate need for control. Fortunately, God makes it easy to turn away from idols and turn towards Him.


Mike Sullivan
Colossians 3:13-15

Isaiah predicts the coming of the Messiah and a few of the characteristics that he will have. What does it mean to have a savior who is the Prince of Peace, Mighty God, and Wonderful Counselor?

The Final Battle

Conrad Hilario
Daniel 11:1-12:2

God gives Daniel a vision of events to come at the end of human history, culminating in the battle of Armageddon. Though frightening, this prophecy gives us hope that God is ultimately in control of world events, and reminds us that there is still time to place our trust in Jesus as we eagerly await his return.

The Final World War

James Rochford
Revelation 9:14-16

What of the final seventieth week of Daniel's seventy weeks prophesy? This final week foretells a final world war, massive and deadly, during which Christ must return to intervene.

The Last World War

Chris Risley
Revelation 16:12-16

The Bible contains both near future and end times prophecies. In the end times, there will be a final world ruler, the Antichrist, who will be the catalyst for an epic and final world war. According to the Bible, this war must be preceded by the regathering of Israel, which occurred in 1947. The final world war will be capable of destroying all humanity, but Jesus will come to earth a second time and put an abrupt stop to it. These end times prophecies show that the human race needs divine intervention to prevent self-extinction. Jesus first intervened in history to save humanity from their sins; the second time he intervenes he will save humanity from themselves. Those who believe in Jesus need not fear the future.\r\n