Vanishing Returns of Life Away from God

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 4:17-24

Before one becomes a Christian, they are living for self, and have put sensuality at the center of their life. Sensuality always demands more and more to satisfy. Thus, the Law of Vanishing Returns. But as a Christian, one learns to set aside self and be renewed in the spirit of one's mind. By pursuing God and being transformed by His love, Christians become more like God and grow in their ability to love and serve others like He does.

Jesus and the Rich Young Ruler

Ben Foust
Mark 10:13-27

People unfamiliar with the Gospel often approach getting into heaven by attempting to live by Plan A, a plan to live in such a way as to earn their way into heaven by their own effort. Unfortunately, they rarely live up to even their own mediocre standards, but more importantly, they can never meet God's standard for Plan A, which is utter perfection. Fortunately, God has Plan B, which is approach Him like a child and receive eternal life as a gift.

Know Your Enemy

Chris Hearty
1 Peter 5:8-11

Satan's greatest deception is making people believe he does not exist. Peter calls believers to know our enemy, the devil. Being sober and alert, we resist through faith and endure through fellowship. Jesus defeated him and the fear of death at the cross. We know we, who are in Christ Jesus, already have victory over the evil one.

Humility or Anxiety

Chris Hearty
1 Peter 5:5-7

There are some who say the underlying cause of all sin is pride. The opposite of pride is humility. Without humility, we develop anxiety. Peter tells us to clothe ourselves with humility because God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. God gives us the choice between keeping our pride (and anxiety) or receiving grace and having God carry the anxious burden for us. Jesus took upon Himself the ultimate burden for us on the cross.

True Freedom

Gary DeLashmutt
John 8:31-36

Babylon the Great

Gary DeLashmutt
Revelation 18

Babylon the Great is the ultimate expression of human empires that defy God's rule. It seduces governments and businesses thorough the allure of material wealth. It seduces individuals by turning good things into idols that corrupt and enslave. As believers, we are not citizens of this world system and so should not get caught up in arguing the relative value of different political systems but instead should make the ongoing decision to resist the seductive influence of Babylon the Great.

Giving Out without Giving Up

James Rochford
Galatians 6:1-9

Giving out sacrificially of yourself without giving up involves carrying your own everyday load but also helping someone carry their extra heavy burden. It also includes sharing in supporting those who teach the word of God. You will share in reaping eternal life for those who hear the teaching and respond to the Gospel. God promises those who do not give up will reap a harvest at the proper time.

Biblical Provisions for Handling Anxiety

Ben Foust
Philippians 4:4-9

The Bible acknowledges that anxiety is a part of the human experience. It also does not condemn all forms of anxiety. It is good to have concern or care for others. Pride and trying to control things that cannot be controlled drives much of our anxiety. The Bible does offer provisions for combatting the undesirable forms of anxiety. We cannot choose our circumstances or our feelings, but we can choose our attitude about them. We can humbly acknowledge God's sovereignty and prayerfully tell God about our fears, give thanks for his promises, and ask for what we need.

The Church at Laodicea

Mike Sullivan
Revelation 3:14-22

The church at Laodicea was not being rebuked for being wealthy, but for having an attitude of not needing anything due to their great wealth. When in fact they were spiritually destitute. Everything they had was from God, but they did not see that. The had become proud and forgot who really provided for them. In the US, we are the wealthiest country that has ever been. Instead of trying to become less wealthy, we should change our beliefs about wealth. The promise of wealth that it can meet our deepest needs is false. Jesus says to change our minds about wealth's false promises and in stead zealously believe Jesus' true promises to meeting our deepest needs beyond what we can imagine.