Why This Waste?

Dennis McCallum
Mark 14:3-9

As believers, we have a different values-system than people who are only living for this life. We have eternity to look forward to and invest in. Therefore, the choices we make in this life should reflect that reality. Here we look at the disciples' shallow response to a woman who understood what it meant to invest in her eternal life.

The Light of the World

Dennis McCallum
John 8

God is not looking for people who are free from sin and need no help. Instead, He is looking for people who are aware of their sin and willing to receive help. The blind man admitted that he could not see and needed the light of the world. The Pharisees, on the other hand, were blinded by their pride but thought that they didn't need help. Jesus will respond to those who admit they need help with freedom that leads to joy.

Solomon: the Half-Hearted King

Scott Risley
1 Kings 3-11

Solomon, the third king of Israel, had godly aspirations, a humble heart, and God's covenant promises. He was set up for great success. In spite of this, Solomon later chose compromise over wholehearted commitment to God. We learn the importance of clinging to God's instruction over our own plans. Solomon's reign highlights God's generosity, sovereignty, and integrity.

Legalism and Grace

Dennis McCallum
Galatians 5:1

Jesus and Paul both took strong stances against the pharisaic teaching that our moral decisions could make us righteous in God's eyes. When any works are added to the Gospel of grace, it is no longer the gospel. As we have been saved by God's grace, we can communicate the Gospel in the context of gracious relationships.

Things Possible & Impossible

Jim Leffel
Mark 10:17-31

When a rich man asked Jesus what he must do to inherit eternal life, Jesus gave him a different response than usual. Jim Leffel teaches on why Jesus' response to this man was focused on the Law and how their interaction exposed the rich man's need for grace. Leffel expounds on the relationship between materialism and spiritual health then closes with the costs and rewards of choosing to follow God.

Being the Greatest

Jim Leffel
Mark 9:30-35

Desiring greatness is not wrong, and God desires for us to live great lives. However, the mind of man and the mind of God define greatness differently. Jim Leffel explains the truth in what seems to be a paradox: greatness through servanthood. Jesus embodied this, and Leffel provides practical ways we can adopt Jesus' attitude to sacrificially serve others.

Goal Setting

Dennis McCallum
1 Thessalonians 5:14

Paul explains that boxers don't box without aim, and in the same way Christians shouldn't work without aim. Sluggards lust after their desires and don't give out love. God calls us to do His work with His power, but we need to be willing to act on His calling.

Strife Between Brothers

Dennis McCallum
Romans 5:1

There are many different types of conflict that we enter in life, generally God wants us to resolve conflict in a position of humility and doing what's best for the other party. We have been forgiven much by God, so we should be able to forgive most offenses against us. Conflicts can be opportunities to share God's love to a watching world.


Gary DeLashmutt
1 Thessalonians 5:14

Paul praises the Thessalonians for their love, but urges them to continue to excel, especially in the area of admonition. Despite our culture and pride that oppose correction, we are called to humbly receive correction and give correction to other believers out of love for them. As we participate in this task, there are several principles that lead to effective admonishment.