A Disrupted Life

Patrice McCormac
Nehemiah 1:1-2:12

When you understand God is at work and you have a role to play in that plan, you can be guaranteed your life will be disrupted so that you can play a small role in impacting eternity. Nehemiah was able to embrace that disruption to his life because he knew God was at work in human history and Nehemiah had a role to play in that plan.

When Jesus is Sitting on Your Couch

Scott Risley
Luke 10:38-42

When Jesus knocks on your door and you invite Him in, when he is sitting on your couch, do you sit at His feet and drink in all he has to say? Or do you rush around laboring over all the preparations, building up resentment toward others and Jesus for not helping you, for not caring about how hard you are working? Jesus invited both Mary and Martha to sit at His feet, but only Mary chose to prioritize being still at His feet, eagerly listening to Him. Martha wasn't wrong for doing the preparations. She was wrong to be bitter and accusatory. Jesus did not rebuke Martha but he also refused to rebuke Mary for not helping Martha because Mary had chosen what is better.

What Is Important in the End?

James Rochford
1 Peter 4:7-11

Peter warns that the end of all things is near. The unbelieving world lives without hope because they think this world is all there is. Death results in a terrifying oblivion. But believers can live a fruitful, meaningful life her and now because we know that there is a reward waiting for us when we die to this world. We can invest in that which is most important, God and other people, while we are here on earth because we know the glories awaiting us in heaven. We know that what we do here on earth has profound effect for eternity.

Friendship and the End of the World

Scott Risley
1 Peter 4:7-11

Peter teaches that since the end of all things is near, we should draw near to God in prayer. As the end nears, we will need our relationships to endure the suffering that will follow. We should draw near to others in fervent love, serving, being hospitable and using our spiritual gifts to build up the Body of Christ.

Christ-Centered Community

Conrad Hilario
1 Peter 4:7-11

Knowing that our time on earth is limited, Peter calls on believers to be in close, Christ-centered community with one another. By having a fervent love and exercising our spiritual gifts for one another in Christian community we demonstrate to a watching world that is drowning in loneliness and alienation the grace and glory of our God.

Hope for Hopeless Marriages

James Rochford
1 Peter 3:1-8

When Peter calls upon wives to submit to their husbands, he is not promoting patriarchal misogyny as modern readers might believe. Instead, he is actually elevating the the view of women contrary to the worldview of his time. No teacher or rabbi would even address women directly in a teaching. He is speaking to women with unbelieving husbands who, if the wives took full advantage of their new status, would needlessly alienate their husbands from the message of the Gospel. He is asking both husbands and wives to submit to the authority of God by serving each other sacrificially.

Marriage God's Way

Chris Risley
1 Peter 3:1-9

During the Greco-Roman period that this passage was written, women had no rights at all. Peter is actually elevating the view of women by the mere fact he is writing directly to them. No rabbi would do that then. His call for them to submit to their husbands was not to subjugate them but to avoid upsetting the entire social and economic system. By flaunting their new-found rights, they needlessly risked alienating all unsaved men. Peter calls women instead to win their unbelieving husbands to Christ by their exemplary behavior. Believing husbands are also called to show honor to their wives.

Husbands and Wives

Conrad Hilario
1 Peter 3:1-7

Peter's admonition for wives to be submissive to their husbands must be understood in the context it was given. It was not a blanket statement for all wives to be submissive to their husbands. The context is for wives of unbelieving husbands living in a Greco-Roman world where wives were not considered equal to their husbands. God on the other hand did view women as equal in value or worth to their husbands, but in this case, wives are asked to be submissive to unbelieving husbands in order to win them to Christ by their chaste and respectful behavior. Furthermore, husbands are to treat their wives in the same way, with understanding and showing her honor.

An Imprecatory Psalm

Gary DeLashmutt
Psalms 58

Imprecatory psalms that call down judgment on evil-doers may cause discomfort in modern readers and tempt them to avoid those psalms. But then one would have to excise a significant portion of Scripture. But taking a closer look, one sees that in Psalm 58 that David does not seek personal vengeance but that God would intervene to uphold His reputation. David desires the wicked rulers would repent so they can take refuge in God. Reaping the consequences of evil behavior is an act of God's love designed to bring us to repentance so we can receive forgiveness.