How Do I Know God's Will for My Life?

James Rochford
Ephesians 5:15-17

The Bible gives five means for discovering God's will for your life. Growing in your knowledge of the Bible allows you to know God's nature and values which reveals His will for us. Praying is how we access "the counsel of the Lord." We can ask Him! God has given us the ability to reason which is another way to discern God's will. Seeking mature advice from other Christians is a wise way to discover God's will. Our personal desires can also reveal God's will for our lives. He created each of us for a purpose and implanted desires in our hearts that fit that purpose.

Parenting Goals:Parenting Desires

Bev DeLashmutt
John 13:34

Bev DeLashmutt discusses the important differences between goals and desires in parenting. A goal is an achievements that a person works toward to accomplish a sense of well-being. Desires may not be under your control to achieve. Godly goals are achievements that reflect God's purpose for your life that do not depend upon people or circumstances beyond your ability to control. Having godly goals will give you a foundational sense of success, fulfillment, happiness, confidence, peace and enjoyment but will not necessarily eliminate the frustrations, disappointments, fears, and heartaches of parenting.

A Man of Great Faith

Patrice McCormac
Nehemiah 2

Nehemiah is a great example of faith from the Old Testament. He demonstrated biblical faith by being willing to act according to God's Word with complete dependence upon God. His first step of faith was to pray to God. He viewed his circumstances in light of who God is. He then waited on God to direct him. He looked to God to determine the value of his step of faith.

God Chose You

Chris Risley
Ephesians 1:8-23

Against all reason, God chose to love you! He loves you not because of anything you have done but because He created you. He wants YOU, not the things you can do for Him. Once you heard the message of forgiveness, and believed it, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise. God wants you to know how much He loves you and He will help you to believe Him.

Opening the Eyes of Your Heart

James Rochford
Ephesians 1:15-23

Opening the eyes of your heart involves transitioning from propositional truth of knowing God in a head-knowledge sort of way to a personal knowledge of God that goes deep into your heart. We need God's enlightenment to understand the depth of these truths. We can access this enlightenment of the heart by prayer, meditation and recognition and redirection throughout the day.

Standing Firm

Mike Sullivan
1 Peter 5:8-14

Peter describes Satan as a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. He attempts to devour us by means of distraction, deception and other schemes. As Christians, we resist him by standing solid in the faith. Stand fast in the true grace of God.

Three Essential Elements of Christian Unity

Gary DeLashmutt
Philippians 1:27-2:2

Three essential elements of Christian unity are we have a common relationship with Jesus, a common source of truth, and a common mission. We are not united by a common membership in the same human organization but we have a common love relationship with Jesus through His Spirit who directs us into truth and His purpose for us.

Giving Away God's Love: Encourage One Another

Patrice McCormac
1 Thessalonians 5:14

A good definition of encouragement is words or actions, rooted in truth, designed to strengthen people to keep pursuing the things of God. Effective encouragement has both loving motivation and the wisdom to discern the needs of the moment of the other person accurately. To become a more effective encourager, prayerfully make it a goal when you get together with people to look for opportunities to listen well and give a timely word of encouragement.

Connecting with the Lord in the Midst of Parenting

Rosy Talarzyk
1 Thessalonians 5:14

As parents, we are so focused on helping our children grow physically and spiritually, that sometimes we neglect our wellbeing. Rosy Talarzyk shares her experience learning to stay close to Jesus in the middle of the ups and downs of parenting. We need to continue to grow with the Lord as much as our kids do. Knowing God not just for what He can do for us but for who He is in His own right. Are you making maturity in your relationship with God a priority for you and your children's sake?