Praying Against Satan

Dennis McCallum
Luke 11:15-22

God and His people are living in the midst of a spiritual war against Satan. Jesus tells us that we are able to bind the strong man, Satan, and invade his kingdom through prayer. When we pray, we unleash God's power to destroy Satan's attacks. Therefore, we should be alert and engage in spiritual warfare.

Praying Against Satan

Dennis McCallum
Luke 11

Jesus' time of prayer communicates how Christians can utilize prayer in spiritual warfare. Satan is looking to prevent people from knowing Christ personally and prayer is our main weapon to combat his schemes. As we attack Satan's kingdom and try and help people understand their need for Christ, we need to be sober and alert to Satan's counterattacks. Understanding God's Word is essential to combat Satan's tactics through prayer, both individual and corporately.

More lessons on Prayer

Dennis McCallum
Luke 11:5-13

Jesus tells a parable to argue that if a selfish person would give his persistent neighbor what he needs, then a good and loving God will generously give us everything we need. If we seek God and His will out in prayer, then God promises that we will find Him and experience His goodness. Therefore, we should be persistent in prayer, which leads to deeper faith and dependence on God's love and power.

More lessons on Prayer

Dennis McCallum
Luke 11

Jesus' prayer teaches us the importance of persistence in prayer with God. This aspect of prayer is helpful to get greater communication with God, promotes faith and appreciation, confronts Satanic opposition, and channels the power into God's hands instead of ours. Because of His goodness, we can expect God to act in our best interests through prayer.


Dennis McCallum
Luke 10:38-11:4

Martha hurries around making preparations, while Mary sits at Jesus' feet. Mary stands as an example of the intimate relationship that Jesus wants with each one of us through prayer. Jesus gives us an example of prayer that includes dependence, praise and petition. Martha McCallum speaks about her experience with prayer.


Dennis McCallum
Luke 11

Communicating with God through prayer is a relational, subordinate, and dependent process that Jesus modeled. Within times of prayer, we should recognize and praise God for who He is. From there, God is able to help us intercede for others, remind us of His mission for us and even help protect us from temptation in spiritual warfare. Christians who have effective prayer lives have learned the relational communication needed between God and themselves.