The Value of "Small" Studies

Cathy Treyens
John 17:1

In an age where we are constantly distracted, it is very difficult to give our undivided attention to anything, let alone God's Word. Here's an alternative Bible study method that prioritizes quality over quantity. Through doing "small" studies of a single clause or idea, we can meditate on that and pull a lot of truth and application from it with the help of the Holy Spirit. This is especially helpful when studying the psalms, Jesus's teachings in the gospels, and the epistles. \r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n

See, Feel and Do

Gary DeLashmutt
Acts 7:16-17

During Jesus' healing ministry he saw the needs of the people, he felt compassion on them, and he acted by healing and showing grace. He teaches that "the harvest is plentiful", there are many more people in need. "But the workers are few", Jesus is seeking people who will see the needs of the people, feel compassion, and act by guiding them to Him.

Listening to Jesus' Word

Gary DeLashmutt
Luke 10:38-42

In the narrative of Martha and Mary, Jesus teaches the lesson that God's Word is always the most important thing. We can listen to God as we seek time with Him, reading and studying the Bible, and listening to Him in prayer.

An Unforgettable Prayer Meeting

Scott Risley
Acts 12:1-24

Prayer was crucial to the early church and is still important today. It's also important in our own relationship with God. Peter is rescued from his circumstances because of the power of prayer. We learn about people's reaction to prayer and what God wants to show us through our time praying to Him.

Five Lessons on Prayer

Dennis McCallum
Acts 12:1-17

God does not promise He will answer any and all prayers, and He answers them in His time in order to build our faith through perseverance. Prayer should be a meaningful personal two-way communication. Corporate prayer is important, and be thankful for answered prayer.

Lessons on Prayer

Conrad Hilario
Matthew 18:19-20

God doesn't promise to answer all of our prayers with affirmation. However, we can and should pray: 1. According to His will; 2. In faith; 3.With persistence; 4.Corporately (in groups); 5. Seeking answers; and 6. Remembering how He has answered us in the past.

Nebuchadnezzar's Dream

Ryan Lowery
Daniel 2:1-45

Nebuchadnezzar is a king who desperately wants an answer for a disturbing dream. He demands his wise men should know what his dream is, without him telling it and he wants an interpretation of the meaning of the dream. The wise men don't know what the dream was or what it was about. Daniel asks God for insight and interpretation. God reveals the dream, using Daniel as a witness to show authentic spiritual truth to Nebuchadnezzar. Although the king was a wicked man, God wanted to reach him.

Christian Confidence

James Rochford
Acts 3:1-4:31

In these chapters, we see a case study on Christian confidence through Peter and John's interactions with the governing officials about healing a lame man. Five keys to confidence we learn from their example are: 1) don't take credit; 2) defend your faith; 3) be filled with the Holy Spirit; 4) commit to do good; 5) pray.

Pentecost: Contagious Christianity

James Rochford
Joel 2:28-32

Why are some people contagious for Christ? What causes some Christian groups to flourish and thrive? Can God really use someone like me? In this chapter, Luke answers these questions by explaining the impact the Holy Spirit brings to the church. He includes Peter's address to the crowd showing that this was God's plan all along.