Paul's Testimony

Ben Foust
Acts 25:1-26:32

After a long ministry, Paul's life ends in imprisonment, just as God had revealed it would. Nevertheless, he faithfully shares his story of how Jesus transformed his life and gives the gospel to anyone who will listen. Paul is an example of a life lived faithfully to the end and of God working in even the hardest of circumstances for the good.

Radiating the Life of Christ

Conrad Hilario
2 Corinthians 4:1-18

Paul addresses the inevitability of suffering, yet shares that God can use suffering in our lives to change our character, and produce in us perseverance. Focusing on our eternal destiny enables us to have hope during times of suffering, which allows others to see the life of Christ through us.

Being Broken by God

James Rochford
2 Corinthians 4:1-18

Paul addresses the timeless issue of Christian suffering and how we should respond. Although we often wish that God would bless us by removing suffering, the truth is, often we are blessed through suffering, which enables us to grow spiritually and experience God's closeness in a unique way. As we persevere through suffering in faith, our "outer man" becomes broken, allowing God's light to shine forth from within.

Through Many Tribulations

Ben Foust
Acts 15:36-16:34

Paul completes his first missionary journey and begins his second, facing many obstacles and tribulations along the way. From his example, we can draw helpful principles for our ministry, which will inevitably involve both high and low points.

Persevering Through Failure

Ryan Lowery
John 21:1-11

The last chapter in the book of John shows an interesting interaction between the resurrected Jesus and the apostle Peter. Jesus knew about Peter's shortcomings and he didn't stay silent about them. He showed Peter his potential, warned him of his weaknesses, and prayed for Peter's success. While Peter failed by denying Christ three time, failure can reveal our true heart - whether we are serving for our selves and our own glory or serving out of gratitude.

The Waiting is the Hardest Part

Liz Sweet
Psalms 130:5

Waiting is an inevitable and frustrating part of life, and the Christian life is not exempt. Though we often short circuit what God wants to do through our waiting, waiting is necessary. This is in part because God is sovereign and knows what is best far beyond our own perceptions. This means that He also has His own timing. We often yearn for growth and change but they take time, as does forming a deeper relationship with our Creator. As we examine reasons why we are called to wait, and who the God is that calls us to wait, we can arrive at a confident hope in our Lord.

Preserving the Unity in Your Community

Mary Beth Gladwell
John 13:5

The depth and length of relationships that we have with one another, in the Body of Christ, is the final apologetic. To maintain unity we must engage the battle in our thought life, practice forbearance with one another, and practice humility.

When God Doesn't Seem There

Lee Campbell
Isaiah 30:18

We will all experience times when God does not seem present, but several key principles can help us to endure these valleys faithfully. We should expect what is biblical rather than our own desires for God to present himself in vibrant, spiritual experiences. We must exercise trust in God's sovereign goodness and evaluate our own heart attitude and flawed perceptions. Our final step is to wait on the Lord, for which this workshop provides several practical applications.

Pictures of Radical Christian Living

Conrad Hilario
1 Corinthians 9:23-27

Paul explains to the Corinthian church the need to persevere in living a life for Christ. This means setting aside the things that interfere with our walk with God, living for eternal rewards rather than earthly treasures, and depending on God to transform us into spiritually productive followers of Jesus.