Three Keys to Perseverance

Jim Leffel
Romans 15:1-6

The three keys to perseverance Paul lays out in Romans 15 are 1. To react to challenges victoriously, to have perseverance, one must have an outward focus, and not be selfish. But recognize others have a claim on us to build them up in the Lord. 2. Be strengthened by the inspiring examples of faithful followers of God preserved in Scripture and 3. Let God speak to our thinking through his people and through his Word, so that we can come together with one mind and one purpose.

Fulfill Your Ministry

Ben Foust
2 Timothy 4:1-8

Knowing the end of his life is near, Paul charges Timothy to fulfill his ministry with restraint and endurance. He exhorts him to run his race, fight the good fight, and receive the crown of righteousness when he has fulfilled his ministry. Even though his life was about to end, Paul filled his message to Timothy with encouragement to finish well as he had done.


Jim Leffel
2 Timothy 2:8-9

Although imprisoned, Paul expressed great confidence in his mission. Jim Leffel discusses how we can remain confident in the calling we have received from God, despite the circumstances.

Urgency of Love

Jim Leffel
Romans 13:8-12

In his series Christian Community in Crazy Times, Jim Leffel answers three questions: At the end of the day, what is the one thing that matters most?, Who is my neighbor? and How can we persevere in urgent love? These questions are incredibly relevant in light of the pandemic that is radically disrupting everyone's life now.

Dual Citizenship

Jim Leffel
Romans 13:1-7

Why as Christians should we submit to the government at all? Isn't our citizenship in heaven? Jews of Paul's day wrestled over these very issues. Paul argues that God Himself instituted the governing authorities for our own good. A society without government would be anarchy, which is bad for all. So, even a bad governing authority, like the Jews often had to endure in their day, was better than no government. As Christians, we need to submit to the governing authorities as chosen instruments of God and not view people with differing opinions of the government as the enemy.

Stoke Up Your Spiritual Fire

Ben Foust
2 Timothy 1:1-7

Paul directs young Timothy not to start a new spiritual fire but to kindle afresh the fire he already has. It hasn't gone out; it merely needs to be stoked back up to a roaring blaze. It doesn't need something new, just more of what fed the fire in the first place. He needs to return to the basics of his faith. A little more time in the Word, in prayer, in fellowship with God's people will go a long way in rekindling smoldering embers.

Keeping Deep Connections

Jim Leffel
Romans 12:9-21

With hope and confidence, Romans 12 addresses a very similar situation that our world is confronted with today. The world is isolated and fragmented for different reasons today than it was in Paul's day but the solution is the same; build social bonds with genuine love and without hypocrisy. The Body of Christ is uniquely equipped to offer a powerful solution to the craziness of the present times.

The Importance of Patience

Ryan Lowery
James 5:7-11

As James has demonstrated through his book, the world in which we live can prove unfair and harsh for believers in Jesus, but a mature Christian has learned to be patient in the midst of difficulty. James offers that someday Jesus will return, and the world will be put right. We should cling to that promise as our only true hope, and should wait patiently for now, engaging in the good works that will draw people to God, the only source of true good. We should also speak truthfully about God, even if we encounter opposition.

Perseverance in the Face of Trial

Conrad Hilario
Job 1-42

James urges his readers to be patient in the face of suffering, citing Job as an example of someone who persevered and was blessed. Perseverance during trials requires faith that God will never leave us and can bring about good from our circumstances, even though we may never get a reason for our suffering. We can trust that God is at work in ways we cannot see and is always good and faithful.