Introduction to Revelation

Gary DeLashmutt
Revelation 1

An overview of the book of Revelation including analyzing the style, structure, and the purpose of the book. John wanted to fortify the believers to follow him to withstand persecution. In this letter to seven churches within the province of Asia, he emphasizes who Jesus really is ? both king and savior ? and we see the importance of relating to Jesus as both.

Make Love Your Lifestyle

Jim Leffel
Galatians 6:6-10

As we grow in our love towards others, there are three principles for developing a loving lifestyle: 1) understanding that what we feed grows, whether we sow to the flesh or to the spirit; 2) the reward of enduring and doing good without losing heart; and 3) seizing the opportunities God places in our lives to do good to others. Living out a lifestyle of sacrificial love is rewarding not just in this life, but even more so in the next.

Fulfilling the Law of Christ

Jim Leffel
Galatians 6:1-5

The Law of Christ can be seen through our ability to lovingly restore other Christians, as well as bear others burdens. We are called to bear burdens, while helping others learn how to bear their own loads and learn how to walk according to the Holy Spirit and grow spiritually. As we invest in deep love relationships, God is able to use us in others lives to draw closer to Him and see real transformation.

Attaining Spiritual Maturity

Dennis McCallum
Philippians 3:9-16

God has positioned us into His family as his sons and daughters and has promised us an eternity with him. Often we choose to focus on our temporary condition when God truly views us in terms of our eternal position. God fully loves us and His view of us is what really matters.

Joy in Adversity

Dennis McCallum
Romans 8:28

Paul suffered countless times for the Lord, even during these times he was able to find joy in the love and purpose he received from the Lord. Paul constantly turned to his new identity and future eternal life as things to always be thankful for. God can use suffering in our lives to teach us things and to grow our faith.

Loving Others with our Wallets

Dennis McCallum
1 John 3:16

Christians are called to love others in truth and deed, and this very much includes giving our money. We are stewards of what God has given us, and if we want to be dedicated givers we need to practice disciplined regular giving rather than only impulse giving. In this way we can heartily invest in God's work with the money He has blessed us with.

God's Love

Dennis McCallum
1 John 4:7

Paul describes vividly what biblical love is, and the love that God has for us. God's love is sacrificial, patient, hopeful, and it never fails. Biblical love is deeply tied to the meaning of life and the gospel message that we Christians share.

Profile of a Healthy Church

Gary DeLashmutt
1 Thessalonians 1:1-10

Paul commends the Thessalonians for being a model church. This church exhibits 3 characteristics of a healthy church: 1) a work of faith (they believe in God and humbly receive His gift of grace); 2) steadfastness of hope (they have spiritual confidence even in life's storms); 3) labor of love (they actively share their faith with others). God wants each of us to have these traits individually and as a group.\r\n

Finishing the Course

Jim Leffel
Acts 20:24

As Paul's life comes to a close, he reflects on his past, present, and future in his last letter to Timothy. \r\nPaul's past demonstrated faithfulness to what God entrusted to him, and in the present Paul continued to live a life characterized by sacrifice for God. Lastly, Paul looked forward to the crown of righteousness that God promised him in eternity. All of these reflections enabled Paul to fulfill his ministry, and modern Christians can likewise have the same hope and motivation to be faithful to Christ in their own lives.