Living in Exile

Jim Leffel
Daniel 1:1-21

For the Jewish people living in exile, there were challenges to their identity as their lives were controlled by the Babylonians. They chose neither to assimilate to their spiritual hostile culture nor to totally separate from it, but instead to be different in a good way. Modern-day culture is just as spiritually hostile as in the time of Daniel. Believers today should be different in a way that lends credibility to God and His message, without compromising in important areas of morality and truth.

A Servant's Passion

Jim Leffel
2 Timothy 4:7-8

Paul told Timothy that God gifted him in ministry, likewise he has gifted each of us. God has given us a purpose to go out and share His message of love and salvation to this world, and He wants us to use the gifts He has given us to accomplish this purpose. God has a powerful plan for your life, and if you depend on Him, He can use you to do things that will leave an eternal impact.

A Servant's Fight

Jim Leffel
2 Corinthians 4:13

Paul calls us to fight the good fight. We are in a spiritual war, and an ideological battle against Satan and his world system. God has given us the truth of His powerful love and offer of salvation. Our fight is to share this message in a corrupt and jaded world.

Gospel and Failure

Jim Leffel
Mark 14:27-72

Judas and Peter both betray Jesus, yet Peter ended up becoming an influential apostle in the early church. While Judas had remorse, Peter chose true repentance without regret. When Christians fail, they have a choice to come out either defeated or victorious. Those who choose for true, humble repentance will be transformed and redeemed.

Why Do You Focus on the Past?

Gary DeLashmutt
Haggai 2:1-3

The Jews in Jerusalem have begun to rebuild the temple but become discouraged when they compare it to the former temple. God asks them a series of three questions through the prophet Haggai to point out that they are nostalgically focusing on the past, rather than focusing on what God is doing in the present. We fall into this as well, choosing to look at the past through rose colored glasses, discontent with what God has for us in the present. God calls us to persevere in the present, and look forward in faith to the future!

Withstanding Temptation

Dennis McCallum
Haggai 2:1-3

Temptation is an inevitable part of the Christian life. Satan plays a huge role in this suffering because falling into temptation can ruin a believer's witness to other people and alienate them from God. Satan, the tempter, works alongside our own sin nature to tell us lies that increase our desire to sin while helping us to justify that very sin. In order to withstand this, we can follow Jesus' example and hold up Scripture to Satan's lies. Without this, we tend to try and argue with Satan's compelling logic, which never goes well for us. Practically, we can better equip ourselves with key Scriptures and be invested in deep friendships where we can hold one another accountable and confess to each other when we do fall into temptation.

The Gospel and the Nature of Faith

Jim Leffel
Mark 9:21-24

When Jesus calls a man to faith, he replies: "I do believe, but help me overcome my unbelief." Doubt is a normal experience, and challenges to faith can often strengthen it. There are four categories in which faith can be challenged and strengthened in this way: 1) in rationality; 2) individual experience; 3) values and the will; and 4) cultural factors.

Fear of What People Can Do to You

Gary DeLashmutt
1 Peter 3:11-22

Paul reminds that good deeds usually promote good will but that Christians should not expect to avoid all mistreatment. He addresses fear of mistreatment by encouraging them to sanctify God as Lord in their hearts rather than fearing what people can do or say. This inevitably leads to Christians sharing their faith boldly and clearly.\r\n

God vs. Baal

Dennis McCallum
1 Kings 18:1-46

Elijah challenges the Baal prophets to demonstrate the power of their deity versus the living God. While the Baal prophets struggle and wail to provoke their deity to action, Elijah prays relationally with God. Elijah acknowledged His will and calls on Him to demonstrate His power to the people of Isreal. We can learn from this that we can not provoke God to act like the Baal prophets tried to with their deity.