Finding Peace: The Secret of Contentment

Conrad Hilario

Research affirms the claims of the Bible that the things we think will make us happy, like attaining goals, freedom from suffering, or more money, actually do not bring lasting happiness. Rather, contentment is found primarily through relationships, community, and a sense of hope and purpose. We can find true hope, purpose, and lasting contentment through a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Finding Peace: The Science of Happiness, Part 1

Scott Risley

Today we are seeing a dramatic increase in depression, anxiety, and self-harm. Recent studies have shown that many of the things we mistakenly believe will make us happier, such as wealth or achievement, often take time away from the things that actually do bring happiness--things like relationships and gratitude. These scientific findings confirm what was written in the bible millennia ago, and in the Bible we find a more complete path to happiness, a relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

Finding Peace: Battling Intrusive Thoughts

Conrad Hilario

In a time when happiness is on the decline, studies have found that a large factor in happiness depends on our thoughts and actions. Research supports the ancient wisdom found in the Bible, that people are happier when they take charge of their thoughts and focus on the good, express gratitude, and have strong and real social connections.

Finding Peace: Cultural Myths

James Rochford

As a whole, our culture today is experiencing a decline in happiness and an increase in anxiety and depression. Often, we buy into cultural myths about what will cure our unhappiness; but as we turn to things like social media, romantic love, and materialism, we find that unhappiness only increases. Our hunger for love and significance can only be truly satiated by a relationship with Jesus Christ, which is grounded in reality and not based on comparison or performance.

Finding Peace: Anxiety

Scott Risley

Our culture today is experiencing an epidemic of anxiety and depression. Recent clinical findings agree with the Bible about many of the causes and treatments for anxiety. However, according the the Bible, the starting place for true and lasting peace is in a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Finding Peace: Anxiety

Conrad Hilario

Our culture is in the midst of an anxiety epidemic. When we review research on the topic, we see that many of the findings line up remarkable well with Biblical wisdom in regards to both the causes and treatments for anxiety. However, only in the Bible do we find the fundamental first step toward finding peace: a relationship with Jesus Christ.\r\n

Being God's Child

James Rochford
Psalms 131:1-3

The psalmist demonstrates how we can come to God and rest, the way a child rests in its mother's arms. Elsewhere in the Bible, we read that God wants to be our perfect heavenly father. These images show the deep care God has for His children and the tender, intimate relationship we can have when we spend time with Him.

Peace with God

Jim Leffel
Romans 5:1-11

The desire for a sense of peace--a sense of inner harmony--is common to man, yet is elusive, particularly to people in our modern culture. People cannot say why they matter or what makes them significant--questions that must be answered to have inner peace. God offers people a way to peace through the justice and forgiveness offered through Jesus' substitutionary death on the cross, opening the door to them enjoying eternal security and significance, and a warm, personal relationship with God.

Jesus' Provision for Our Deepest Needs: Reconciliation

Paul Alexander
Luke 7:36-50

Because of sin we experience alienation from God, from others, and within ourselves. Through a beautiful story from Luke 7, we see that through Jesus, God offers us reconciliation in all three areas, leading to peace.