Bearing Fruit (Part 1)

Jim Leffel
Galatians 5:19-25

Walking according to the Holy Spirit's guidance produces real change in the lives of Christians. Some of the fruit of the Holy Spirit includes walking in love, living with deep joy and having a deep sense of peace, all of which comes from God. Self-sacrificial love, delighting when God uses you or those around you, being grateful for His blessings, and cultivating a deep trust in God accomplishing His purposes are all totally possible in the lives of those who are led by the Holy Spirit instead of the selfish desires of the flesh.

Healthy Emotions

Jeff Gordon
Philippians 4:6-7

Stress can be debilitating, yet the Bible says we can live abundant lives in the midst of even very stressful situations. The common causes of stress in our culture are addressed as well as increased risks associated with stress, such as: premature death, compromised immune systems, memory loss, addictions, and depression. In response, he turns to scripture to offer practical suggestions and a radical perspective that fosters healthier emotions.

Living in the Future Now

Jim Leffel
1 Thessalonians 5:12-24

We can live distinctly in Christian community because of God's involvement. It is His will that His people live in peace. His power transforms us and results in changed lives. Christian community should have five distinct qualities: 1) encouragement; 2) admonition; 3) helpfulness; 4) patience; and 5) graciousness. God cares for our lives and is faithful to bring about positive changes.

Entering God's Rest

Gary DeLashmutt
Hebrews 4:1-16

Responding to God and trusting Him leads to being able to partake in His rest. This rest lifts burdens from His people, but it can seem difficult to understand at first. Entering into God's rest involves ceasing from works, while making every effort to depend on God. This can only be understood and applied through grace and mercy, which are available through Christ.

The Art of Leadership (Part 1)

Jill Briscoe
Philippians 1:12-20

To understand the art of leadership, it is imperative to understand yourself and God. You can only lead people as far as you have gone yourself with the Lord. Opening up the book of Philippians we see Paul write down the art of the Christian life. Like Paul, we too can bring people along with us as we understand and relate to God in deeper ways.

The Heart of Christian Community

Jim Leffel
Matthew 22:37-38

What does it mean to worship God? Is it a worship service or service of worship? There are radically differing answers to this question. What does the Bible say about it? Paul explains we should present our bodies as living and holy sacrifices. This is the way we should worship God. Find out what this looks like and how we can take steps toward this in our own lives.\r\n

Exchanging the Old Self For the New (Part 5)

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 4

Within conflict resolution, there are two ways to negotiate: competitive or cooperative. We must prepare beforehand what we want to say concerning the conflict we're in, affirm the importance of the relationship with the other person, understand the interests of the others, and look for solutions for the conflict. In the case of continued disagreement, we can humbly re-assess the situation to continue to preserve the unity we have in Christ. Developing skills within conflict resolution is good for continued unity and glorifying God.

Exchanging the Old Self For the New (Part 4)

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 4

One of the keys to biblical conflict resolution is Christ-like forgiveness towards those who have offended us. Biblical forgiveness isn't an emotion, or excusing the wrongdoing, or forgetting what happened. However, it frees up the offender from the moral wrong committed against us, as we forgive in the way Christ forgave us. As we approach people, God is able to allow us to bring up the offense with humility, look to God's Word for wisdom, and appropriately respond to their response. Reproving someone for the sake of conflict resolution is able to glorify God.

Exchanging the Old Self For the New (Part 2)

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 4

Our new identity in Christ allows us to see real character change. As we move away from the old way of life we used to live before knowing God, we can see transformation in the ways we consider areas such as work ethic, speech, and resolving conflict. When we encounter real peace with God through Christ, we are able to see that God's Will includes being at peace with others as we live out of our new identity.