Dealing with Negativity and Cynicism

Scott Risley
Philippians 4:8-9

We are naturally drawn toward negative thinking, but we can correct this bias. There is evil in this world, but God is good and we have to choose where we are going to focus.

What Does Spiritual Maturity Look Like?

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 4:3

Our culture believes that the path to personal peace is based on our good circumstances and developing an inner sense that nothing is bothering us. The Bible, however, says that personal peace comes from a relationship with God and is the sense of security and purpose that comes from trusting in God's love. This peace is accessible to all believers no matter what their circumstances, and anxious believers can experience it through practicing gratitude.

The Peace of God

Scott Risley
Philippians 4:1-9

Euodia and Syntyche are encouraged to reconcile with one another. Spiritually mature Christians make peace with God through Jesus, are at peace with others, help others make peace, and experience the peace of God in their hearts and minds.

Grace and Peace

Jeff Gordon
1 Thessalonians 1:1-5

An introduction to 1 Thessalonians describing the importance of God's grace and peace. This passage encapsulates Paul's top priorities and he thanks God for their work of faith, labor of love and endurance of hope. Paul assures them that God loves them and has been seeking them; he reminds them that he brought the gospel to them with power, a transformed life and great concern. Will we respond to God's grace and peace and allow Him to transform our lives?

Truly Living While You're Dying

Beth Chilcoat
Bev DeLashmutt
John 17:17

David Chilcoat, a devout Christian and the founder of the Columbus Young Life branch, experienced intense suffering as his body decayed slowly due to ALS, a devastating disease. His wife Beth and Bev DeLashmutt use his journal entries at the time of his illness to explore how to remain faithful and experience peace and joy even amidst this kind of physical and emotion pain. Three key points that emerge are: 1) the need to ask God for what we need and desire, 2) to remember God's goodness and affirm our faith, and 3) to wait for Him to fulfill His promises to us. These help us to respond to suffering in a way that allows us to persevere through it instead of crumbling under it.

The Gospel Polarizes

Jim Leffel
Mark 3:20-35

As Jesus drew more attention, groups of people began to make judgment about him. His family started to call him insane, while the scribes called him an evil charismatic figure. Jesus' response to the scribes is to give a sober warning that rejecting the Spirit's work through him is the issue of their hearts. On the topic of family, Jesus proclaims that he is bringing together a new community of people that are his true family.

Living in Exile

Jim Leffel
Jeremiah 29:4-14

Jeremiah writes to the Israelites who were placed in exile after Babylon took captive of Jerusalem. Jeremiah had been warning the people about Babylon. They realize what he has been saying all along is actually true, so now they are attentive to Jeremiah's words. The people's main inquiry is how does God want them to live as Jewish people in exile. Jeremiah warns those in exile of two items of importance; these warning can also be applied to Christians living today since the world is not their true home. Jeremiah's first warning is to not conform to Babylonian culture so that they would not forget that they are God's people. On the other hand, he also warns them to not fully retreat from the culture around them and live in isolation. He also encourages them to work for peace and to do so by treating others with compassion and dignity. Lastly, the exiled as well as the Christian today is to live in hope of God's promises and what is to come.\r\n

Building Quality Christian Community

Gary DeLashmutt
John 17:21-23

Living at peace in quality Christian community is the first way Paul urges believers to live their lives so that the Father is commended to the watching world. This is done through relating to others with humility, patience, and gentleness. God gives both the motivation and example to relate to others this way because He is a Community of love relationships ? the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Besides being a light to the watching world, living in a community also brings joy. We were created to experience community with one another in the community of God.

Bearing Fruit (Part 2)

Jim Leffel
Galatians 5:19-25

Paul shares some attributes of people who are led by the Holy Spirit. Some characteristics of Christians led by the Holy Spirit's power include lives of peace and patience. Peace by the Holy Spirit results in relational skills and effectively dealing with anger that we encounter in a way that glorifies God. God-filled patience allows for long-suffering within relationships and persevering with people because of a deep concern for their well-being. Both of these can be realized through dependence in prayer with God and through our speech with others.