Abide In Me

Lee Campbell
John 15:1-8

In this account that John gives of Jesus' life, he slows everything down on the night before Jesus' death. As Jesus and his disciples are walking to Gethsemane, he begins to explain this parable to them. Jesus uses the imagery of vines and branches to explain what it really means to abide in him. When Jesus' followers truly learn what it means to abide in him, several things will happen: believers will be able bear much fruit, cooperate with God's pruning, and desire glory that will be given to God.

Marriage Evangelism

Scott Risley
1 Peter 3:1-9

In many different religions and cultures, women are not respected and have no rights. The Bible, however, has a high view of women. Peter is speaking to Christian wives who have non-Christian husbands. He explains how to live as Christians while loving and submitting to their husbands. Peter advises these women to a silent witness in order to win their husbands over by their behavior: respecting their husbands, avoiding casting suspicion, and not focusing on the world's view of beauty. Peter also calls on husbands to honor their wives by being faithful, gentle, and considering their needs.

Why God Rescued Israel

Scott Risley
Exodus 17:8-19:25

On the way to Mount Sinai, the Israelites defeat the Amalekites by keeping Moses's hands held high. Jethro gives Moses good advice on delegation. The Israelites learn that God is a God of rescue and wants to use them in a special way in this world. God wants to rescue us and use us in his plan to rescue others.

Jesus Is Born

Ryan Lowery
Luke 2:7-52

When God entered into humanity through Jesus, he was a polarizing figure. Three scenes from Jesus' childhood confirm that Jesus was the promised Christ but also hint that there is more to the story than a conquering king. Jesus was willing to do the right thing even if it came at the cost of popularity, and he was also willing to take a position of sacrifice in order to lift up the undeserving.

Christian Sexuality

Gary DeLashmutt
1 Thessalonians 4:1-10

Paul describes to the Thessalonians ways in which they can live to please God. He begins with instructions about Christian sexuality. These moral guidelines are for Christians. God's design for sexuality is that it is to be enjoyed within the confines of a heterosexual, monogamous marriage and that all other sexual relations outside of this are outside of God's Will. On a positive note, Paul highlights that committing to God's stance on sexuality allows for the maximum amount of real service towards another in marriage and prevents real catastrophic damage that comes when God's way is neglected. What we think and decide to do in the area of sexuality can have a great effect on our personal relationship with Jesus.

Getting Ready to Hear God

Dennis McCallum
Exodus 17:8-20:3

God prepared Moses to hear from Him. God interacts with Moses by showing there is separation between Himself and people due to sin. Understanding this story through New Testament application, we see that God has always been powerful but He is a God who we are able to be close to because of grace.

Getting More Ready

Dennis McCallum
Exodus 4:24-6:19

In a series of events, God prepared Moses to rescue the Israelites out of their slavery in Egypt. Moses and Aaron confronted Pharaoh, resulting in an increased workload for the Israelite slaves. God told Moses once again that He is Yahweh and will deliver His people from the hand of Pharaoh.

Authentic Christian Community (Part 1)

Gary DeLashmutt
1 Corinthians 11:1-16

Paul calls the Corinthians to give up their selfish ways and live for others. He uses women wearing head coverings to teach the church about sacrificing our free will for the sake of loving others and reaching them. Paul gives us several principles for serving love, and we learn the importance of historical context when interpreting scripture.

What Do You Want?

Ruth W
1 Corinthians 10:1-13

Where will we set our hearts and minds - on God, or on our flesh? Paul uses the 40 year journey of the Israelites in the desert to demonstrate what it looks like when we lack faith and lose focus. Paul then uses the image of an athlete to show what it looks like for a Christian to have discipline and endurance with their sights on the prize. Choosing the right focus affects every area of our lives.