Answering the Call to Reformation

Josh Benadum
Haggai 1

Before true repentance and obedience to God's Word can come about, we have to hear God's Word, have our sin and unbelief exposed, and take time for honest and sincere reflection. Then we can continue to build our spiritual homes.

Esther: God's People, God's Power (Part 2)

John Ross
Esther 6-10

One man's wounded pride resulted in hatred of the Jews, whom he tried to eradicate in 127 provinces of Persia in 483 BC. Instead, God worked through imperfect and fearful Jews and ordinary events to bring about His plans.

Taking Risks in Light of Heaven

Cathy Treyens
Matthew 14:22-33

Most of us are risk adverse in some areas of God's mission. Yet, confidence in eternity can change our perspectives on taking risks for the Kingdom. Taking risks always involves fear and growth. In order to have courage and obedience in midst of taking risks involves embracing truths that surround the risk. Trusting God feels risky but is perfectly safe. Having courage requires the need to fix our view on Jesus and the Gospel. Risk-taking is more about practicing saying yes to God rather than success versus failure mentality. God desires faithfulness.\r\n

The New Self - Work

Ryan Lowery
Ephesians 6:5-9

This controversial passage addresses slaves and masters but is also generalized to employees and superiors. There is a temptation to prioritize career and success rather than God and relationships. While we are responsible to glorify God in our work we are called to prioritize according to what God says is most important rather than our cultural trend to worship career.

And The Other's Too

Dennis McCallum
Judges 7:1-25

Moving on from the Patriarchs, the author of Hebrews lists many more examples of faith. Joshua in Jericho, Rahab and the spies, Gideon, and many more. All these people were messy and sinful and many of them experienced persecution, suffering, and pain, but they chose to persevere in faith and were used by God in spite of their weakness. God's plan is not over, we are also a part of this plan! He can work through anyone and in all things. \r\n

The Antediluvian Heroes of Faith

Conrad Hilario
Genesis 6:5-6

The author of Hebrews presents three heroes of faith from the time before the Flood: Abel, Enoch, and Noah. Each of these three men demonstrated Biblical faith through their actions - Abel, through his sacrifice offered to God; Enoch, by walking with God for his whole life; and Noah by building an ark to save his family from the flood. It is clear through these historical accounts of Old Testament figures that God accepts only our faith for salvation and that trusting in God's promises is a sign of Biblical faith.

Living Faith From Ancient Lives

Dennis McCallum
Genesis 6:11-14

Chapter 11 began by describing what faith is: confidence in what is yet to come. Now the author dives into examples of men and women of the Old Testament who acted in obedience in this type of faith. He begins his list of faithful people with Abel, Enoch and Noah. All of them obeyed God in faith even though they did not have any firm assurance and proof of what God asked of them. In the end, their faithful obedience was rewarded with righteousness and a relationship with God.

Experiencing God's Rest

Conrad Hilario
Genesis 2:2

The author of Hebrews details the promise of God's rest, which is not a physical rest in this life or eternal rest in heaven but rather the act of trusting Christ to do for us what we cannot do for ourselves. While the Israelites were promised God's rest in the Promised Land in the books of Exodus, Joshua, and Deuteronomy, New Testament Christians can experience God's rest in this life through actively placing their faith in the finished work of Christ.

The Danger of Saying "No" to God

Chris Hearty
Exodus 17:1-7

Jesus is superior to Moses because of His deity and position as God's son, and the author of Hebrews exhorts his audience to hold firmly to the grace that Jesus offers instead of Old Testament rituals. He also warns believers of the dangers of a hardened heart through the example of the Israelites' refusal to enter the Promised Land. It is never too late to return to God and experience His grace.