Paul's View of Ministry

Dennis McCallum
Romans 15:1-33

Paul's view of ministry starts with others-centeredness. The new form of worshipping God in the New Testament is ministry. This means caring for the whole person, not just in easy ways but speaking a word of admonition when necessary as well. When it comes to evangelism or missionary work, our post-modern culture deplores these practices, viewing them as forms of imposing Christian culture on others. Instead, evangelism and missionary work is not about changing another's culture but sharing the truth of God's love with others.

Cages of Affluence

Jim Leffel
Jeremiah 5:27-28

Greed and generosity are contrasted by using an analogy of birds in a cage. Being locked in slavery distorts reality and makes it difficult to distinguish wants from needs. Freedom gives clarity, contentment, and relational wealth. Greed is ingrained in our culture; we need to fight against it for ourselves and our children.\r\n

More Ministry Principles from Paul?s Life

Ryan Lowery
Acts 18:1-18

In the ancient world, Corinth was a city known for immorality. As Paul goes there to preach the gospel, there are several lessons that we can learn: 1) Paul paid his own way to avoid accusation; 2) some people will be offended at the message; 3) many will respond to the message; 4) even Paul had great fear; and 5) you never know who will respond. Those that are willing to tell others about Christ will experience the same adventure that Paul did, and will see that God is just as active today as he was in the early church.

Humanitarian Aid and the Local Church

Jeff Gordon
Titus 3:14

How can we gain more insight on the issues of poverty and what we can do about it? Jeff Gordon talks about what the issues surrounding poverty look like, and the issues surrounding relief and development. He addresses how we can help, and how helping helps us! He terms it the philosophy of generosity; in essence, it is the fact that giving to others helps us in a deep and live-changing way. He lays out 4 aspects to understanding poverty and stirring up change: God's generosity, God's truth, pressing needs, and effective solutions.

The Kosmos

Dennis McCallum
James 4:4

The Kosmos, a world-system set up by Satan in contrast to God's way of living, is well taught on throughout the Bible. Christians should recognize this system and fight against it, in contrast to how the American church has fed into this system, causing many people to compromise their faith. Far too often, Christians look no different from non-believers in this area, falling into greed and materialism along with the rest of our culture. We cannot serve two masters. Therefore, we must take a stand against this system and its damaging effects.

8 Essential Attitudes (Part 3)

Dennis McCallum
Hebrews 13:5-6

Developing God's perspective on money is of utmost importance to Christians. God desires to free us from anxiety and fear that comes from the love of money, and instead teach us how to draw contentment and security from what He's provided. As God provides more freedom and contentment in this area, Christians are freed up to focus more on His will for our lives, be excited for His purposes, and enter into deep relationships with others. Developing a stewardship mentality over an ownership mentality concerning God's money is crucial for Christians wanting see freedom in this area.

Planting & Harvesting

Jim Leffel
Galatians 6:6-10

Paul highlights the importance of our focus and choices as Christians. Within the Christian life, there are two paths to follow: the way of the spirit of way of the flesh. As we live in accordance with the Spirit, God can produce a harvest in our lives, even if we don't immediately see the results. Likewise, our lives can be used powerfully by God as we become good stewards with God's resources. Growing spiritually is correlated with feeding the Spirit, as opposed to feeding the fleshly desires within our lives.

The Blessings of Generosity

Jim Leffel
2 Corinthians 9:10-15

God's generosity towards us is the basis for us being generous to others with our resources. As we agree with God's way of generous living and giving, we can store up for ourselves a spiritual harvest of reward along with being enriched in every way, according to His Word. Our generosity will result in thanksgiving to God and prove a vital witness to those who don't know God. Convinced Christians that are generous will be blessings to those around them and will store up for themselves great reward in the next life for their service to God.

Principle of Equality

Jim Leffel
2 Corinthians 8:13-15

Paul's instructions for the Corinthians on being generous was based on the principle of equality. The biblical picture for equality is the basis for universal human rights, reflecting God's personal concern for all people who are lacking in resources. With poverty around the world, there is more of a need to be generous (as Americans) with our vast resources to help those in need. Living in material affluence should motivate us to be generous with God's resources towards others. Addressing these big issues isn't a simple solution, but we should look to long-term strategic development in other areas of the world, where indigenous, self-sustaining solutions present themselves, and where God's message of hope can be at the center of the development work.