God's Power To Heal

Ryan Lowery
Luke 5:17-26

Jesus' healing ministry illustrates several aspects of his power to change people. When two people asked Jesus for help, Jesus recognized their faith and gave them immediate, complete, and visible healing. In doing this, he also demonstrated the ability to forgive sins. Jesus is not afraid to engage with our sin, and remains ready and willing to bring healing into anyone's life if they ask.

Understanding Case Law

Dennis McCallum
Exodus 21:1-11

Although it's often a target of opponents of Christianity, case law served as a template for the courts in Israel to provide justice and protection to its most vulnerable and poorest members in specific situations. Understood properly against the background of surrounding ancient near eastern societies, case law actually stands out as a testament to God's love and compassion. We will look specifically at case law regarding indentured servitude.

Neither Do I Condemn You

Jim Leffel
John 8:1-11

Leffel uses Jesus's interaction with the woman caught in adultery to teach on forgiveness, justice through substitutionary atonement, and real transformation from sin issues. He offers freedom from bondage to our anger, sensual habits, ego-elevating activities, and everything else that spirals downwards. While fear can cause external change, God uses His love to give us true transformation from the inside out.

The Bread of Life

Jim Leffel
John 6:1-71

When Jesus fed the five thousand, he said he was the bread of life. Jim Leffel unpacks the implications of such a statement and contrasts this offer with ?junk foods? that are inadequate alternatives offered in popular culture.

Serving Love and the Body of Christ (Part 2)

Dennis McCallum
1 Thessalonians 5:11-15

In the Body of Christ, Christians are called to warn, encourage, help, and extend grace to one another. All of these actions are to be done with the vital quality of patience, a quality that differs drastically from softness. When these actions are consistently practiced in a community of believers, true spiritual growth and a tangible demonstration of God's love ensues.

Compassion and Controversy

Jim Leffel
John 5:1-24

John recounts two events in Jesus' life that highlight who he is. In the first event, Jesus interacts with a lame man calling him to believe and then healing him. The second event involves Jesus' public dialogue with the religious leaders about his interaction with the lame man who he healed on the Sabbath. These two events reveal who God really is through the person of Jesus. He is personal and relational. He is with people and has the power to deliver from sin and suffering. To have this in life only requires belief in Jesus and his work on the cross to pay for sin.\r\n

The Poor and the Needy

Ryan Lowery
Deuteronomy 15:7-11

Poverty is a major topic in the book of Proverbs. God's heart is inclined toward the poor. He wants His followers to love and serve the poor out of gratitude for His love toward them. World poverty is a prevalent issue that many Americans do not fully grasp. A Christian's proper response to the poor is not to judge them, but rather to advocate for just treatment of them, speak up about injustice against them, and be generous toward them. The church needs to rally together to develop an impact on poverty that is spiritual, long-term, holistic, contextualized, and that fosters independence. Xenos offers many opportunities to combat poverty right here in Columbus, Ohio.\r\n

Live with the End in Mind

Jim Leffel
Job 42:7-10

James encourages his readers to have patience and strengthen their hearts as they wait for the coming of the Lord Jesus. This view of history differs significantly from the view that man's journey in life and all history ends in ultimate meaninglessness. James provides three profiles of patience required for living with the end in mind: 1) the farmer who waits and strengthens his heart; 2) the prophet who speaks faithfully for the Lord; and 3) Job who showed endurance and saw the Lord's compassion and mercy.\r\n

What's Wrong With The Human Race?

Scott Risley
Ephesians 2:1-10

Paul contrasts God's love with the plight of humanity, i.e., physical and spiritual death. He explains the bad news resulting from human depravity and also describes God's solution to it. Because of His love and mercy God intervened by providing His Son Jesus to take on the judgment humanity deserves. It is by His grace that humanity is saved, not by works. After receiving this free gift, God gives His children the opportunity and privilege to do good works by sharing His good news with others.