Features of a Transformed Community (Part 2)

Jim Leffel
1 Thessalonians 5:14-15

In every relationship, Christians are to treat others with the same grace that God has demonstrated toward us. This means forgiving people instead of seeking payback and showing patience to everyone. It also means having difficult conversations with people, encouraging the discouraged, and moving compassionately towards those who are vulnerable.

The Parable of the Good Samaritan

Mike Sullivan
Luke 10:25-37

Jesus has an interaction with an expert in the law, and uses the conversation as an opportunity to confront the blind spots of his religious thinking. Jesus uses the parable of the Good Samaritan to show that we are incapable of meeting God's perfect standard, and need God's mercy. As Christians, we should beware of our arrogance and be quick to correct the blind spots of the culture around us, so that we may better share and reflect God's love to others.

How to Instill God's Love

Jim Leffel
1 Thessalonians 2:1-12

In his letter to the Thessalonians, Paul describes the way that he loves the church. He explains how the gospel reveals God's amazing love for us that is far beyond our limited conceptions of love. The example Paul gives is of one who loves in a tender and nurturing way like a mother, but also one who loves with the toughness and instruction of a father. We should seek to embody both the toughness and tenderness of Biblical love.

The Pool of Bethesda

Dennis McCallum
John 5:1-24

Jesus is in Jerusalem when he runs into a man who has been sick for 38 years. Jesus performs a miracle on the Sabbath and heals the man, who begins to walk again. Jesus performed this miracle to combat the religious mentality and to highlight the desire God has to heal broken lives. Jesus also discusses the authority God has given him to grant eternal life to those who believe in him. God cares more about the heart than outward dedication and wants people to inherit eternal life through Jesus.

The Woman at the Well

Dennis McCallum
John 4:1-42

Jesus meets a woman at a well while traveling through the town of Samaria. This woman was rejected amidst society and had already had five husbands, and yet Jesus chooses to move towards her. During their conversation, Jesus explains that what the woman really needs is living water that will lead to eternal life. When the woman discovers who she is talking with, she goes and tells everyone in the nearby town. Jesus then tells his disciples that his real work is to accomplish the work of God and encourages them to do the same.

Good News Comes to Philippi

Jim Leffel
Acts 16:11-40

During Paul's second missionary journey, he makes a stop at the city of Philippi. During their time at Philippi, they encounter many different people that all come to faith in Jesus. The first is Lydia, a wealthy and single woman selling purple fabrics that is seeking God. The second is a possessed slave girl that is liberated through the good news of God's grace and freed from her bondage. Lastly, the Philppian jailer, while initially uninterested and unmerciful, is shown mercy and comes to know Jesus after coming to the end of his self. Each of these encounters in Philippi reflect the principle that God meets us where we're at and provides us with what we need to find him.

The Good Samaritan

Ryan Lowery
Matthew 22:34-40

When a scribe asks Jesus what he must do to inherit eternal life, he reveals a faulty religious approach to God that depends on doing good things to earn acceptance. Jesus answers with a parable designed to show him that he needs forgiveness. Part of Jesus' parable shows that God values our compassion and service towards the needy.

The Us vs. Them Mentality

Ryan Lowery
John 4:20-24

The Bible promotes a peaceable and loving attitude towards others, instead of an us vs. them mentality. After the transfiguration, Jesus says that we should be at peace within Christian community instead of competing for dominance. He also teaches that we should be at peace with different Christian communities instead of writing off their good work. Finally, we are to be peaceable towards non-Christians without giving up our stance on truth.

How Israel Almost Blew It

Scott Risley
Exodus 32:1-34:10

The Israelites learn the need for patience when waiting on God and the seriousness of sin. Moses exemplifies Christ as he steps in to mediate for Israel. As a result, we see the mercy of God and a true example of Godly leadership.