Making Strategic Investments

Jim Leffel
1 Thessalonians 2:8

Faith and love are paired in the writings of Paul to communicate the personal confidence in God paired with an others-centered outworking of this belief. The strategy that naturally comes from these truths is personal discipleship, this requires dependence on God to transform us. God will deliver wisdom, strength, and confidence to His followers.

The Rich Man and Lazarus

Dennis McCallum
Luke 16

The Pharisees taught that the rich were favored by God, while the poor lived under His judgement, a teaching not supported by the Bible. Through a parable and through action, Jesus refutes this way of thinking, demonstrating that the rich are just as capable as the poor of going to Hell. He instructs the Pharisees to observe their scripture to find the answers of eternity, and not to seek material gain as proof that God favors them.

The Rich Fool

Dennis McCallum
Luke 12:13-21

Jesus' interaction with the rich fool highlights the perils of materialism. Those entranced by wealth are oblivious to what God says about how to use His resources and look to selfishly accumulate more and more for themselves. Often, those who seek after wealth and riches encounter worry and anxiety, as they are unable to fully control everything they are trying to keep hold of. God's way includes trusting Him to meet our needs, and acting as stewards with His resources to accomplish His purposes. This type of lifestyle leads to real fulfillment in a way that riches and wealth is incapable of.

Sermon on the Plain (Part 2): False Teachers

Dennis McCallum
Luke 6

Jesus teaches his audience the need for spiritual discernment in light of false teachers. False teachers have teachings that don't match scripture, use their authority for selfish gain, aren't accountable to others, lie about ministry, and pursue wealth. As Christians, we should expect false teachings and learn how to discern when they are in our midst, while looking to follow those who model servant leadership like Jesus and live out his Word.