
Gary DeLashmutt

God's wisdom suggests that we should be generous in light of God's generosity towards us. Rather than accepting the "American Dream" mentality and using God's resources towards self, God desires us to grow in our willingness to share and be generous with the resources we've received from Him. Christians who become increasingly generous store up for themselves rewards for eternity and reflect the generosity they have received through Jesus Christ paying for their moral debt.

Being Renewed

Jim Leffel
Ephesians 4:17-24

Ephesians emphasizes that lifestyle flows out of identity. The gentiles are described to have a darkened understanding, leading to a chaotic lifestyle. The prescription is a renewed understanding of the human condition, their culpable ignorance (which causes deep conflict and eventual callousness within), sensuality, and greed. All of these are ingrained habits that believers need the Spirit to transform. This new awareness leads believers to value a different way of living.

The Whore of Babylon

Gary DeLashmutt
Revelation 18

This prophecy introduces us to another evil character in the End Times, the "Whore of Babylon", that is used to describe the judgment that God will carry out on the earth. She embodies the spiritual adultery of Israel and the apostate Church's worship of idols as history comes to a close. Also described as "Babylon the Great", she represents fallen humanity's determination to construct a society without a need for God by accumulating material wealth, comforts, and technology. Don't be deceived by the appeal of Babylon; turn to Jesus Christ, who is the source of true fulfillment!

In the World, But Not Of the World

Dennis McCallum
John 17

Jesus knows that his departure is close at hand. In light of this, he prays to the Father, acknowledging that his disciples are not of the "kosmos" or system of the world, though they will be witnesses to the world. Other sections of scripture, 1 John 2:15 and 1 Corinthians 9:19 provide practical content on areas in which Christians should adopt the practices of the world/culture, and areas in which Christians should be different from the world and culture.

In the World, But Not Of the World

Dennis McCallum
1 Corinthians 9:19

Jesus knows that his departure is close at hand. In light of this, he prays to the Father, acknowledging that his disciples are not of the "kosmos" or system of the world, though they will be witnesses to the world. Other sections of scripture, 1 John 2:15 and 1 Corinthians 9:19 provide practical content on areas in which Christians should adopt the practices of the world/culture, and areas in which Christians should be different from the world and culture.

Why This Waste?

Dennis McCallum
Mark 14:3-9

As believers, we have a different values-system than people who are only living for this life. We have eternity to look forward to and invest in. Therefore, the choices we make in this life should reflect that reality. Here we look at the disciples' shallow response to a woman who understood what it meant to invest in her eternal life.

Leadership and Spirituality (Part 3)

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 6:19-34

Paul tells Timothy to raise up leaders who are free from the love of money. Loving God and loving money are mutually exclusive - it is impossible to pursue both! Material greed doesn't just change our value system away from what God values, but it actually warps our perception of what we need to be content and leads to constant worrying. But if we pursue God's kingdom instead of money, God says he will give us all that we need.

Things Possible & Impossible

Jim Leffel
Mark 10:17-31

When a rich man asked Jesus what he must do to inherit eternal life, Jesus gave him a different response than usual. Jim Leffel teaches on why Jesus' response to this man was focused on the Law and how their interaction exposed the rich man's need for grace. Leffel expounds on the relationship between materialism and spiritual health then closes with the costs and rewards of choosing to follow God.

Overcoming Material Anxiety

Gary DeLashmutt
Matthew 6:25-34

Jesus addresses not only our relationship with material wealth but also the effect of material anxiety. We should be responsible, but we also need to place our faith in God who will never let us down. We can address our anxiety and pursue God's priorities instead.