New Creatures in Christ

Gary DeLashmutt
2 Corinthians 5:14-21

There are many ramifications of our new identity in Christ. As a new creation, we have new aspirations to live for God instead of ourselves. In addition, we can adopt God's view of success, seen through a lifestyle of sacrificial service toward others and character transformation. Lastly, we are now seen as Christ's ambassadors, with a unique role and responsibility to tell others about Christ's love for them and how to know God personally.

Working Out What God Has Put In

Dennis McCallum
Acts 16:31

Paul calls us to work out our salvation, in other words, living out our salvation. We are called to forgive one another and move towards one another in love. We have been forgiven so much, so we should be free to forgive others.

Why I Believe

Jim Leffel
Mark 12:28-37

As Jesus speaks to the religious authorities, one scribe asks an honest question: what is actually most important to God? Jesus' response is that we must be able to love God and love other people perfectly. It's not about completing religious rituals - a relationship with God is about love. And yet, loving perfectly is an impossible task. That is why God sent Jesus.

The Effect of Living On

Dennis McCallum
Philippians 1:21-27

Paul calls believers to be others focused and to strive for unity in the Body of Christ. The world system preaches a message of self interest because they see this life as all we have. As believers who know that there is an afterlife we are called to spend this life serving and loving others which is truly beneficial for us.

The Afterlife

Dennis McCallum
1 John 5:13

Paul said to live is Christ and to die is gain. Paul thought he was going to live because he knew God still had plans to use him in the lives of others to share His gospel message. Paul was also secure that if he were to die then he would be going to heaven.

How to Receive God's Comfort

Gary DeLashmutt
2 Corinthians 1:1-10

God's comfort is the strengthening assurance of His sovereign goodness in the midst of suffering. As Christians, we are able to receive this in two distinct ways: 1) understanding and affirming God's purposes for allowing suffering in our lives; and 2) allowing other Christians to give you God's comfort.

Paradoxes Concerning "Greatness"

Jim Leffel
Mark 10:32-45

As humans, we aspire to be great; this is an aspiration God has given us. So, it is God who defines the terms of what greatness is. When we pursue greatness as the world defines it, we pursue disappointment. Mark records Jesus' definition of greatness as those who strive to serve others. When we pursue God and greatness through sacrificial service, that is when we find true fulfillment.

Loving Others with our Wallets

Dennis McCallum
1 John 3:16

Christians are called to love others in truth and deed, and this very much includes giving our money. We are stewards of what God has given us, and if we want to be dedicated givers we need to practice disciplined regular giving rather than only impulse giving. In this way we can heartily invest in God's work with the money He has blessed us with.

The Afterlife

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 1:9-10

If there is nothing after death, then this life is meaningless. God has offered us salvation from death through Jesus' death on the cross and He has been working this plan since man first sinned. God wants us to join Him in Heaven for eternity, and all we have to do is accept His free gift of salvation.