Slaves and Masters

Jim Leffel
Ephesians 6:5-9

While the Bible does not promote slavery, Paul uses it as an example of how each situation is a unique opportunity to give witness. The most important call for believers is to love and serve others, even in difficult circumstances. There is a clear path to be drawn from slavery in the world and the slavery humans experience under sin. But, God has a message that invites everyone to be free.

God's Purpose in Marriage (Part 2)

Jim Leffel
Ephesians 5:21-33

Focusing on the wife's role in marriage, the text brings out how she should submit to her husband's leading. This is not passive obedience, but it is: 1) a spiritual commitment in the totality of life, 2) a context to fully develop as the person God intended you to be, 3) a pattern of service advancing your husband's spiritual growth, and 4) a partnership rooted in common vision. Submission in the Biblical sense is purposeful.

God's Purpose in Marriage (Part 1)

Jim Leffel
Ephesians 5:21-33

God gives Christians guidance in how to have a successful marriage. Wives are told to be subject to their husbands, meaning they should be a support to him. Husbands are told they should lead and love their wives like Christ. Marriage represents the unity of Christ's love for the church. It requires God's love and grace as a foundation.

Heart of the Christian Walk

Jim Leffel
Ephesians 5:1-14

The heart of the Christian walk is imitating God. Christians live their lives trying to relate to others the way God relates to them. They live "in the light" and demonstrate the gospel by the way they live. They are a contrast to the world, not partakers of it. The text pleads for consistency in Christian living for the sake of its witness.

Why the Church Exists

Gene Getz
Ephesians 1:3-3:14

Why does the church exist? The church exists so the world will believe God sent Jesus. Through the Great Commission and other New Testament texts it is clear that the purpose of the church is to make disciples and to teach them. Faith, hope, and love are ways to measure the maturity of a disciple/church. True effectiveness of a church (or a disciple) can be measured by the demonstration of these three qualities. Faith is to live like Jesus; hope is to be stable and unwavering in what is true; and love is a reflection of who Jesus is. Love is the greatest of these. We are God's workmanship, created to do good works and reflect Jesus' love in order to draw people to God. God uses the love and unity of believers as the greatest miracle to show Himself to the world.\r\n

Walking in Love

Jim Leffel
Ephesians 4:25-5:2

The believer's new way of living is set inside a framework of grace. It's substance is love, which includes speaking truth, avoiding apathy and uncontrolled or misplaced anger, being careful in speech, encouraging, and giving forgiveness. The only way to achieve this kind of love is through remembering Christ's sacrifice to also forgive believers.

Playing Your Role

Jim Leffel
Ephesians 4:11-16

Included in the call for believers is to fill the role they are given in the Body of Christ. Regardless of the role, the motivation to serve will always come out of love. There are four practical steps to get started: 1) get connected, 2) pray for opportunities to serve, 3) give what you've got, and 4) get equipped to give more.

Walk According to Your Calling

Jim Leffel
Ephesians 4:1-6

Now that believers have a purpose and a calling, there is a process of discovering and growing in God's calling. There are three aspects of this process. It includes growing in: 1) humility and gentleness; 2) patience, forbearance, and love; and 3) unity of community, faith, and hope.

A Prayer for Supernatural Power

Jim Leffel
Ephesians 3:14-21

We are often paralyzed by our weaknesses, unable to see God at work. We need God's supernatural power to understand His incredible unconditional love. He meets all of our needs and so much more, and wants us to experience His love in a deep and lasting way!