The "Lord's Prayer"

Gary DeLashmutt
Matthew 6:9-13

Gary DeLashmutt breaks down the Lord's prayer, providing insight and application from key aspects of the prayer to be used as a guideline in our prayer lives. Highlights include: Jesus' invitation to an intimate relationship with God; a call to view God as our king as well as our father; the importance of asking God for help in loving others; and the implied prompting for us to pray in community, despite our individualistic culture.

Radical Servitude or Selfish Mediocrity?

Dennis McCallum
Luke 15:4-10

Paul lived a life dedicated to serving God and other people. People often choose to live a life that is self focused and care more about their own riches than the needs of others. As servants of the Lord we set our aim at leaving an eternal impact, and serving those around us.

The Simplicity in Christ

Dennis McCallum
Galatians 5:6

Paul explained that the message of Christianity is quite simple. Jesus died on the cross for our sins and all we have to do is accept God's free gift of forgiveness through Jesus in order to start a relationship with God and go to heaven. There is no reason to add any unnecessary barriers to this message.

God Loves to Give

Lee Campbell
Exodus 5:21-22

God loves to give. There are many lies we believe about the way God gives, as the people of Moses and the people of Israel struggled with. However, we can expect to give in unexpected ways because He is good. Ultimately, God gives us the gift of eternal life through faith in Jesus. \r\n\r\nAt the end of the teaching, two women spoke about their experience of what God had done in their lives.\r\n

The God of Fatherly Love

Jim Leffel
Exodus 4:22

God reveals His fatherly love to the nation of Israel. This fatherly love is seen through God's son, Jesus Christ. Jesus was the future hope for Israel. Today, we can have redemption through Jesus and be adopted by God as His children.

Christians and Generosity (Part 2)

Dennis McCallum
Proverbs 20:4

Paul calls us to be good stewards of the money God has blessed us with. We are called to give voluntarily of own volition; God loves a cheerful giver. The best thing we can do with our temporary resources is invest in things that are eternal.

Increasing Your Capacity to Give God's Love

Gary DeLashmutt
1 John 4:7-21

In order to grow in our love for others, we need to be trained by God. God develops our love for others through His Word. God can teach us to love others through spiritual promptings by His Spirit, through godly role models, and by placing people that are hard to love in our lives. As God grows our ability to give love to others, long-lasting sources of joy are produced as we see God use us.

Christians and Generosity (Part 1)

Dennis McCallum
Isaiah 44:13-16

Paul preached to the early church that they should give their money as a stewardship of the things God has blessed them with. Giving is an important way to invest in God's work, and He wants us to give out of what we have. God wants us to be open, honest with our finances, and to view our possessions as the things that He has given us.

Increasing Your Capacity to Receive God's Love

Gary DeLashmutt
1 John 4:7-21

God's will for our lives is to grow in our ability to give out sacrificial love. As our capacity of receiving God's love increases, we are able to increase our ability to give His love out to others. This process begins with understanding the lengths of God's love for us, drawing continuously from His love, and learning how to reflect and meditate on how to move towards others in love. Living out of God's love is a key feature of growing Christians.