Following Jesus

Gary DeLashmutt
John 13:1-17

Jesus lays out two different paths: the self-serving path and the self-giving path. Those who choose to serve self experience increasing disappointment, relational failure, and an unhealthy emotional life and slavery; while those who choose to give of self experience increasing contentment, relational success, a healthy emotional life, and freedom. True happiness is not something attainable as an end in itself, but a by-product of following Jesus by receiving God's love and giving it out to others.

How the Gospel Spreads to Others

Tom Dixon
Colossians 4:2-6

Paul gives instructions to the Colossians about how to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. The focus of Paul's instruction is that God is the one who opens up opportunities to share the gospel, as evidenced through the New Testament writings. The other focus of Paul is proclaiming the gospel clearly. We can give greater clarity through using God's Word, sharing our personal experience of coming to know Jesus Christ, and practicing with fellow Christians.

A Servant's Lord

Jim Leffel
1 John 3:2

Paul urges Timothy to cling to his standing and hope in God to endure the trials of life, and take real lasting meaning. The relationship we have with God offers true meaning and purpose to our lives. We can trust in God because we have seen His power and knowledge in His Word and through how he has provided for us.

A Servant's Compassion

Jim Leffel
Matthew 25:34-40

Paul called Timothy to provide for the widows of the Ephesian church, and this furthers the call for Christians to practice compassion for the needy. Serving and loving those in need is a great opportunity to share God's love with people in a broken and fallen world.

A Servant's Passion

Jim Leffel
2 Timothy 4:7-8

Paul told Timothy that God gifted him in ministry, likewise he has gifted each of us. God has given us a purpose to go out and share His message of love and salvation to this world, and He wants us to use the gifts He has given us to accomplish this purpose. God has a powerful plan for your life, and if you depend on Him, He can use you to do things that will leave an eternal impact.

Husbands and Wives

Tom Dixon
Colossians 3:18-19

Paul gives instructions to wives and husbands on how to be successful in a marriage centered around God. As Christians understand what Jesus did for them, they will be able to respond more within marriage. For wives, that means learning what it means to submit to their husband, which means learning to be: supportive, agreeable, encouraging and helpful as the husband leads the marriage towards God. For husbands, they are to extend grace towards their wives and seek ways to sacrificially serve them like Christ. Love and forgiveness from Jesus is the key component for navigating marriage difficulties.

Spiritual Renovation and Love Relationships

Gary DeLashmutt
Colossians 3:12-17

In order to mature in our relationship with God, the apostle Paul advocates that this can develop within our relationships with other Christians. Paul focuses on the importance of gratitude in our relationship with God. This can be cultivated through considering God's promises, being around thankful Christians, and being reminded of God's blessings. One of the primary ways we can grow in our love is through inter-dependent Christian relationships. These relationships should be characterized by: relational unity, forgiveness, and admonition towards spiritual maturity. The focal point of these relationships is sacrificial love towards one another, which comes from the love of God through Jesus Christ.

A Servant's Character

Jim Leffel
Titus 1:6-9

The apostle Paul outlines for Timothy what it means for elders and leaders in the church to have good character. Paul emphasizes being a good leader of a household; not participating in any character disqualifying sin; being a servant leader; and being able to teach the Bible. Paul also said that it is good to desire leadership as long as you are putting others first.

The Day of the Lord

Jeff Gordon
Daniel 9:27

An explanation of three events around the end of time on earth: the Great Tribulation, the Day of the Lord and the Rapture, with Pre-Tribulation Rapture and Post-Tribulation Rapture scenarios discussed. In response, we are to be on guard, stay alert and protected by the armor of faith and love. Encouragement and building each other up are also vital to our spiritual health.