Embracing a Lifestyle of Love:Toward Non-Christians Part 2

Gary DeLashmutt
Colossians 4:2-6

Showing God's love to non-Christians through our attitudes and actions involves sharing God's love through our words about Jesus. It First of all, pray for God to open doors for you to share the truth of God's love and for wisdom in how to make the most of opportunities. Always use gracious speech.

Do Not Be Ashamed of Your Faith in Jesus

James Rochford
2 Timothy 1:7-18

What is the message? It is unspeakably valuable. God loves us despite what we have done, not because of what we have done. We are loved, not loveable. Jesus chose to give His life as an incredibly heroic act of love. Why should anyone share this message? This is transcendent truth. It is a beautiful message. It has supernatural power to change lives. How can we share this message well? Prepare to suffer and be rejected. Get the focus off your fears, and onto God's transformative power. Remember that it is all worth it!

Embracing a Lifestyle of Love:Toward Non-Christians Part 1

Gary DeLashmutt
Colossians 3:17-4:1

Spiritual maturity is facilitated by receiving and focusing on God's love toward God, toward other Christians and toward non-Christians. This teaching focuses on sharing God's love toward non-Christians through our actions and deeds in our social roles among family, work, neighbors and community. Showing our love through our deeds will lead to sharing the source of our love. It opens doors for sharing the Love of God through Jesus.

Can We Really Find Freedom from Fear?

James Rochford
2 Timothy 1:1-7

The key to gaining freedom from fear is to get the focus off of oneself and onto others. We need a transcendent anchor for our soul in order to do this. We need security, affirmation and love from outside of ourselves. We need Jesus Christ!

Don't Give Up

Chris Hearty
2 Timothy 1:1-7

Paul encourages Timothy to rekindle the spiritual gift he received from God. Perhaps fear was causing Timothy to shrink back from the mission God had entrusted to him. Paul, confident in Timothy's faith, reminds him he did not receive a spirit of fear but of power, love and sound mind. The sufferings of Paul and Timothy should encourage us as we see how they did not let fear stop them from accomplishing all God had for them to do.

Paul's Last Words

Dennis McCallum
2 Timothy 1:1-7

As the time that Paul has left on this earth comes to a close, his final words to Timothy focus on encouraging him to keep fanning the flames of the spiritual gift God has given him. He reminds him that God has not given him a spirit of fear and timidity but of power, love and sound mind. In that spirit, he has the power to love others and have confidence in God in all circumstances.

Embracing a Lifestyle of Love:Toward Other Christians

Gary DeLashmutt
Colossians 3:12-16

Spiritual maturity is facilitated by receiving and focusing on God's love toward God, toward other Christians and toward non-Christians. This week we examine loving other Christians. God calls us to a love that forges observable unity, a love that humbly serves those who are messy and sinful, and a love that is fueled and informed by God's Word.

What If You Could Know the Future?

James Rochford
Revelation 1:1-18

Because God has blessed us with the Book of Revelation, we can know the future! Knowing the future brings us happiness because it provides true security during frightening times. It gives us a hope-filled perspective on our suffering. It fills our lives with never-ending love relationships that don't end at death. It inspires urgency because we only get one chance. Will you trust Jesus with 1, your next life and 2, with your current life?

Embracing a Lifestyle of Love:Cultivating Love Toward God

Gary DeLashmutt
Colossians 3:15-17

Developing spiritual maturity starts with cultivating a mental focus on the treasure of God's great love for us. Spiritual maturity proceeds by embracing a lifestyle of giving God's love to others as well as to God. Cultivating thankfulness toward God is important because, for one, it is the only sane response to God's grace.