Lights in the Midst of a Dark World

Gary DeLashmutt
Philippians 2:14-16

Being light in a dark world requires both a lifestyle witness and a verbal witness. Our lifestyle witness must not contain grumbling nor disputing. Our verbal witness must focus on God's love and grace rather than other parts of the biblical worldview that can be the source of contention with non-Christians. Instead, focus on inviting people to receive Christ's life rather than winning an argument.

Three Essential Elements of Christian Unity

Gary DeLashmutt
Philippians 1:27-2:2

Three essential elements of Christian unity are we have a common relationship with Jesus, a common source of truth, and a common mission. We are not united by a common membership in the same human organization but we have a common love relationship with Jesus through His Spirit who directs us into truth and His purpose for us.

Giving Away God's Love: Encourage One Another

Patrice McCormac
1 Thessalonians 5:14

A good definition of encouragement is words or actions, rooted in truth, designed to strengthen people to keep pursuing the things of God. Effective encouragement has both loving motivation and the wisdom to discern the needs of the moment of the other person accurately. To become a more effective encourager, prayerfully make it a goal when you get together with people to look for opportunities to listen well and give a timely word of encouragement.

Self-Love in the Last Days

Scott Risley
2 Timothy 3:1-5

Paul warns Timothy that in the last days people will be lovers of self instead of lovers of God. Self-love is a bankrupt way of life. Remember these are the last days, although they are fierce and difficult, God is creating a safe harbor in the storm for those who know Him.

The Difficulties of a Life Based on Self

Dennis McCallum
2 Timothy 3:1-5

Paul warns Timothy that in the last days, that period from the resurrection of Jesus until He returns, people will turn away from loving God to loving themselves. This will result in a multitude of relational problems. God designed relationships to be other-serving, not self-serving. God gives us the ability to love others but we often misdirect our love toward ourselves.

Paul's Prayer for Spiritual Growth

Gary DeLashmutt
Philippians 1:9-11

Paul prayed for the spiritual growth of the Philippians. He likened it to the growth cycle of a plant. A young tomato plant requires staking in order to bear fruit in time. In our spiritual growth, love is the plant and knowledge and discernment are the two stakes need to guide the growth of our love. The resulting fruit is a lifestyle that glorifies God.

An Imprecatory Psalm

Gary DeLashmutt
Psalms 58

Some people are uncomfortable with the imprecatory psalms in the Bible. They feel it makes God out to be a vengeful, blood-thirsty god. But it is God's love that requires Him to judge evil. God is amazingly patient with sinful people and willing to forgive all kinds of sin, but He will judge people who refuse to repent. Jesus' substitutionary death is the ultimate demonstration of God's love and the ultimate satisfaction of His righteousness.

Principle of Serving Love

Dennis McCallum
2 Timothy 2:3-7

After you have received the free gift of God's forgiveness, you have the option of learning to follow His way of life, that is, serving love. It is not required, but if you choose not to, you miss out on the best Christianity has to offer, a life full of purpose and meaning. For those who do decide to follow God's way of serving love, expect to be opposed by God's enemy, Satan. We will suffer hardship if we engage in this battle. Paul gives three models of how to deal with this opposition. The first is a soldier in active service, then an Olympic level athlete, and finally a good farmer.

The Shameless Gospel

Ben Foust
Romans 1:8-17

Paul longed to meet the believers in Rome and preach the Gospel to them. Paul was not ashamed to share the good news although he had reasons to feel shame as the Gospel was a scandal to the Jews and foolishness to the Gentiles. The Gospel was offensive to everyone! But Paul was the opposite of ashamed because knew the shameless love of Jesus and was willing to be a fool for Christ.