The Pool of Bethesda

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 22:23-24

Jesus made bold claims that went against the religious leaders of his time. When Jesus heals a sick man, the Pharisees complain that he is breaking the Sabbath. Jesus declares that he was sent to heal the sick and grant eternal life. This is a strong claim that angers the religious mentality that the Pharisees held. This same religious mentality that the Pharisees held is found in many people today.

Spiritual Rebirth

Dennis McCallum
Numbers 21:8-9

Jesus has a conversation with a Pharisee named Nicodemus. Jesus explains that the way to the kingdom of God is through spiritual rebirth. Those who put their faith in Jesus Christ receive eternal life.\r\n

The Cleansing of the Temple

Dennis McCallum
John 2:13-21

Jesus went up to Jerusalem and was angry to find the temple being used to exploit people and make money. Jesus called for a radical elimination of formalism, including sacred space. Beginning a relationship with Christ means leaving behind impersonal formalism, outward ritualism, superstition, and sacred space. Jesus is the real temple of God.\r\n

The Wedding at Cana

Dennis McCallum
Mark 7:1-32

Jesus performed a miracle at a wedding in Cana. He took water that was used for outer cleansing and turned it into wine that was used for inward consumption. This symbolic act showed that Jesus came to take away outward formalism and introduce inward spirituality. He wanted us to understand we can relate to God on a personal level.\r\n

What God Really Wants From Us

Jim Leffel
Mark 7:1-19

The Pharisees question Jesus about why his followers are not following rituals as they eat. Jesus explains it is not external things that make someone impure. This comes from the inner life-the heart. Jesus exposes three problems about the Pharisees' misguided zeal: 1) hypocrites; 2) vain worship; and 3) illegitimate authority. He explains that God desires our hearts and not our external obedience. Only Jesus can fix our hearts and make us right with God. The way God's followers live impacts how others view who God is and what He wants from us.\r\n

Giving Up Our Rights for Others

Dennis McCallum
2 Thessalonians 3:7-9

Paul made a point to not let any non-moral cultural barriers affect his preaching of the gospel. Paul took strong stands on truth and religion, but he would learn and practice different cultures' dress, art, poetry, and music.

Sabbatical Controversies

Jim Leffel
Exodus 20:8

Jesus frequently caused controversy over the practice of the Sabbath, and his decisions to violate its many rules demonstrated the higher purpose and principles of God's law. There are three key principles about the law that Jesus teaches: 1) the law is an expression of God's character which shapes its meaning and application; 2) God's true desire is for His people to have inner faithfulness and love rather than mechanical rule-following behavior; and 3) God's moral will is for the good of His people. When these three principles are ignored in favor of legalism, people become deceived about God's priorities, and relationships are damaged overall.

Jesus Calls Levi

Jim Leffel
Luke 18:9-14

When Jesus calls Levi (a tax collector and therefore social outcast) to follow him, he demonstrates a level of true acceptance and reconciliation. The Pharisees question Jesus' association with "tax gatherers and sinners," giving way to a conversation regarding the differences between the grace of God and the legalism practiced and preached by the religious. These two ideas are incompatible, and Jesus uses parables to point out that the religious approach is displeasing to and misrepresentative of God.

Two Wisdoms or the Way of Humility

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 2:8-9

Paul juxtaposes the human wisdom of this world and pride to God's wisdom and humbling yourself before God. We desire to earn our own salvation as we fix our lives, but God tells us that He is the way to salvation and that only He can offer lasting fulfilment and meaning. The cross is God's payment for humanities sins.