A Collision with Religionists

Conrad Hilario
Luke 5:33-6:11

Jesus uses the parable of wine and wineskins to teach a lesson. Jesus calls people to be willing to throw away old wineskins (forms or ways of structuring the church) in order to best reveal God's love to others. Holding onto old wineskins results in a ?religious mentality?: placing too much importance on tradition and sin prevention. In contrast, Jesus focuses on God's truth and loving others.

Avoid Dull Hearing

Dennis McCallum
Hebrews 5:11-6:12

The author addresses legalism and assimilation to avoid persecution. His audience were those who most likely grew up in Jewish culture were practicing Jewish traditions. They thought this would have no bearing on their spiritual lives but the result was they were becoming insensitive to the Holy Spirit and misrepresenting Christ.

Religious Practices That Are Hazardous to Your Spiritual Health

Gary DeLashmutt
Colossians 2:16-23

False teachers were trying to get the Colossians to heed certain religious practices in order to grow spiritually. Paul addressed this by declaring ritualism, mysticism, and legalism to be hazardous for spiritual growth. Tragically, most people today think these practices are central to Christianity or viable options. Paul is clear that these practices will sideline us spiritually and we need to root them out.\r\n

Sufficiency of Christ

Ryan Lowery
Colossians 2:9-23

The sufficiency of Christ meets all of our needs. Ritualism, mysticism, and asceticism are bankrupt alternatives to finding fulfillment in Christ. True change happens when we let God change our hearts rather than on us trying to change our outward behavior. True change is possible through Christ when we put our faith in Him. Even after having a relationship with God through Christ there's a pull to live seeking fulfillment in other things. When this happens we can change our minds and agree with God's way, experiencing Him to empower us.

Avoiding Capture

Ryan Lowery
2 Corinthians 10:3-5

Paul is warning and encouraging the Christians in Colossae of the ideas competing for their faith and how to avoid being captured. Four ways to avoid being captured by false ideologies: 1) come to Christ; 2) assess your own vulnerabilities; 3) walk by grace in faith; 4) stay rooted in the Word and community. The love of God changes and motivates our hearts. Evaluate what motivates you to follow God and His ways. Be moved by what His love has done. His love is a safeguard to legalism and worship of self.\r\n

Sexual Sin and Grace

Brian Gardner
2 Corinthians 10:3-5

A false belief around sexual sin is that behavior modification or restrictions have the power to change people. They do not. There are four key dynamics that result in lasting heart change: knowing sin, hating sin, knowing the total forgiveness and grace of God, and being astounded at the love of God.

A Blind Man Sees

Scott Risley
John 9:1-41

Jesus heals a blind man on the Sabbath which stirs up negative attention from the Pharisees. Jesus then contrasts the response between the blind man and Pharisees. He points out the Pharisees are blinder than the man born blind because the blind man saw his need and believed in Jesus. Having the "I can see" attitude can impact others knowing Jesus and growing with Jesus. No matter who we are, we need to ask God to open our eyes.

Two Toxic Mentalities

Scott Risley
John 5:1-26

Two toxic mentalities are revealed through Jesus' miracle of healing a lame man: the victim mentality and the religious mentality. These mentalities are incompatible with real faith and keep people from believing. Jesus asks two questions as he interacts with the lame man and the Jewish leaders: 1) Do you want to get well; and 2) Are you willing to believe?

Personal Freedom and the Law of Love

Dennis McCallum
Colossians 2:16-17

Paul has detailed multiple places in scripture what it looks like to live out your freedom in Christ under grace. The driving principle is the law of love. To figure out His will for your life in gray areas it is important to depend on His guidance and sacrificial love.