Faith That Works

Scott Risley
James 2:14-26

In this challenging passage, James urges the church to have a faith that is accompanied by good works. Contrary to some interpretations, a close reading of the passage and other related scripture shows that James is not talking about earning salvation through works, but rather that genuine faith should lead to good works so that others may see our faith.

Ishmael and Isaac

Mike Sullivan
Genesis 21:1-7

Through the story of the births of Ishmael and Isaac, we see two different ways of following God: one based on self-reliance, and the other based on trusting God to keep his promises. Self-reliance tends to lead to problems and defeat, while trusting in God's promises often involves waiting, but leads to peace and the experience of God's faithfulness.

Freedom Without Judgment

Chris Hearty
Romans 15:1-2

Within God's realm of moral truth, we have extraordinary freedom of conscience. Only, we are not free to impose our conscience upon all other Christians. Nor do we have the freedom to judge the weaker conscience of another believer in Christ. Instead, we are to sacrifice our personal freedom in order to serve the weaker person in love.

Walking According to the Spirit

Dennis McCallum
Romans 8:1-9

The Bible explains that although we are made right before God the moment we meet Christ, we still have a sin nature. This sin nature is in opposition to the Spirit of God. How can we live our lives guided by the Spirit? How does the sin nature combat that desire?

Law School

Dennis McCallum
Romans 7:1-24

God's law was given in the Old Testament. For centuries, people have been confused by the role God's law plays in the life of the believer. This teaching looks at the role of the God's law.

Law School

Scott Risley
Romans 7:1-25

Paul describes the futility of trying to live under the law. Living under law brings us to a place of despair and the realization that we are helpless to change ourselves. Freedom comes only by ceasing to strive to follow the law and instead, living under grace in dependence on God to transform us into more Christ-like people.

Ministering Because I Matter

Mateo Williamson
Philippians 1:9

In order to approach God's ministry from the way He wants you to, you must know who you are and why you matter. What God says about you and your identity will guide you in how to love. There are many signs and symptoms that arise when you minister from your own self effort. They are all self-focused and fear based. When you minister from your identity, you come from a place of humility and gratitude. The result is bearing fruit for God and experiencing His love.

Lost and Found

Scott Risley
Luke 15:1-32

Jesus tells three parables to illustrate God's love for the lost: the parable of the lost sheep, the parable of the lost coin, and the parable of the lost son. In each parable: 1) something of great value has been lost; 2) the owner exerts much effort to find the lost item; 3) there is rejoicing and a party when found. In the parable of the lost son, Jesus illustrates three lessons that can be learned from the older son: 1) maybe you need to realize you are just as lost as the ?sinners?; 2) maybe you need to stop ?slaving? and get to know the Father; and 3) maybe you need to ask your Father for His love for the lost.

Dinner With the Pharisees

Scott Risley
Luke 14:1-35

Jesus uses a banquet with some Pharisees to illustrate the Pharisees' pride compared to Biblical humility. Prideful people exalt themselves, are competitive, don't have time for God, invest in others for selfish reasons, and ultimately reject God and His leadership in their lives. People with true humility can admit when they are wrong, try to raise others up, turn to God, and count the cost of discipleship. Christ is the ultimate example of humility. God is preparing a banquet in heaven and His invitation extends to all people.