Home Group Leadership (Part 1)

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 4:11

In order to promote a leader-rich home group, there are seven conditions that should be present. The church must first believe in the vision that qualified leaders are the key to success, and new leaders must be Spirit-chosen. Spiritual leaders must be held in honor, accountability and discipline. Every leader should seek to replicate themselves and top leaders in the church must prioritize helping develop new leaders. Finally, people should see a clear pathway to leadership, and leaders should be formed into teams to promote increased leadership within the church.

Managing Conflict in Your Home Group

Jeff Gordon
Ephesians 4:11

What does it look like to manage conflict and promote unity amongst members of your leadership team? This workshop gives insight to this very issue with the following goals in mind: 1) learn to handle conflict proactively, 2) learn your tendency in conflict and well as the tendency of your leadership team, and 3) discover at least one thing that God is leading you to do to promote unity in your particular leadership team. \r\n

Dreaded Leader's Disease and Deliverance (Part 2)

Bill Lawrence
Mark 10:32-37

Leadership disease is real and can impact anyone. This disease starts when leaders put man's interests above God's interests. This is a chronic condition of the heart that can cause leaders to create functional legalists. Leaders need to put their service for God in the middle of His grace. The role of a leader is to edify the church and exalt God. So many fall into seeking their own personal gain and success.

Dreaded Leader's Disease and Deliverance (Part 1)

Bill Lawrence
Mark 6:45-52

When it comes to being a servant leader the main focus needs to be on allowing God to continue to grow you in your character. Everything you are pours out into everything you do. Anyone can learn the skills to be a leader, but it is in the transformative power of God where you can model real sanctification. Your heart must be softened to the work He is doing in your own life.

Leadership and Spirituality (Part 3)

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 6:19-34

Paul tells Timothy to raise up leaders who are free from the love of money. Loving God and loving money are mutually exclusive - it is impossible to pursue both! Material greed doesn't just change our value system away from what God values, but it actually warps our perception of what we need to be content and leads to constant worrying. But if we pursue God's kingdom instead of money, God says he will give us all that we need.

Leadership and Spirituality (Part 2)

Dennis McCallum
1 Timothy 3:2

Paul continues to describe the characteristics to look for in raising up Christian leaders. They should be well-ordered and stable, hospitable and welcoming to strangers, familiar enough with the Bible to teach it to others, without substance/alcohol abuse, not violent, gentle, and someone who resolves conflict. If we are to become an influence for God, it requires complete character reconstruction that is only possible through God's power to change lives. This is God's will for all believers and leads to an incredible sense of purpose and value!

Leadership and Spirituality (Part 1)

Dennis McCallum
1 Timothy 3:1

God has designed the church to be overseen by a plurality of leaders. This keeps the top leaders of the church accountable to one another, keeps the church safe, avoids a man-centered attitude in the church, and makes the leadership more available to the members. Paul says that elders of the church need to have a good reputation, an absence of flagrant disqualifying sin, their sexuality under control, spiritual sobriety and alertness, and mental stability.

Leadership and Balance

Dennis McCallum
1 Timothy 1

All of us are in one way or another in a position of leadership with influence on others, therefore everyone has the opportunity to lead for God. In this passage, Paul instructs Timothy on how to be a godly leader who prioritizes the right things. He tells Timothy to dismiss strange and esoteric teaching, refusing to focus on it. Timothy should also refute legalism and guide the focus of the church to core important teaching, like who Jesus is and salvation by faith, instead of going off on tangents. Dustin White gives his testimony.

Replicating Home Groups (Part 2)

Dennis McCallum
1 Corinthians 12:18

It is key to understand constraints and the needed elements when fostering an underground indigenous church-planting movement. The common constraints to quality growth include superficiality, impatience, inward focus, and many more. Nine important elements to growth include: a commitment to New Testament practices; a commitment to discipleship; a team approach; a commitment to organic church growth; a strong prayer ministry; a mission-oriented self concept; a willingness to fail; centralized support for equipping; and a plan. \r\n