Team Building

Mike Jentes
Colossians 2:12-14

Since teams are knit together from unique individuals created by God, it is important to understand who God made each person to be. Remembering our position in Christ and discovering our passions, spiritual gifts, and temperaments will help us better understand how God created us individually and how we can be used in a team setting. Building unified relationships among a team requires regular communication and spending a lot of time together enjoying shared experiences. Ministry teams can also benefit from having a clear mission and unified ideas regarding their team atmosphere.

Xenos Model for Leadership Development

Jim Leffel
John 17:19-24

Xenos Christian Fellowship's model for leadership development lands on the biblical picture that the real pastoral work is to be done by the members of the church. In order for the members of the church to lead and pastor there must be significant training. Three areas that are key to leadership development is personal discipleship, fostering an active community life, and theological training.

Home Group Leadership (Part 2)

Dennis McCallum
John 17:19-24

One key aspect to promoting home group leadership is the presence of team leadership. There are several key principles to apply when striving for quality in this area. These include encouraging fellow leaders, resolving personal conflicts, observing the principle of the "man on the spot," maintaining commitment to success, and focusing on the ministry. Negativity on the team may arise, but we should be wary of our own judgements upon other leaders' ministries and should seek to communicate a balance of both negative and positive facts.

Life Giving Leadership

Bruce Powers
John 17:19-24

Living a life of service in leadership means more than following certain rules or looking a certain way, spiritually. Life giving leadership consists of three actions: tell the gospel, do the gospel, and be the gospel. These reach deeper than just outward appearances.

Creating Spiritually Transformed People

Lance Witt
Colossians 3:16-17

There are many things to think through and consider when deciding what to focus on in discipleship and helping people grow in transformation. Here are six things: 1) get clear about goals and outcomes; 2) move from facilitators and mangers to fathers and mothers; 3) commit to training and guiding those you lead; 4) value a slow and on the go movement; 5) facilitate growth in group living; and 6) invest in the spiritual lives of leaders.

Natural Church Development

Dave Wetzler
Colossians 3:16-17

What is the relationship between our role and God's role in seeing church growth? By analyzing church models around the world, we can begin to see emerging principles that reveal why some churches see continuous growth while others wilt. Every church has the potential to grow, and by pursuing eight characteristics can see this growth occur: empowered leadership, gift-oriented ministry, passionate spirituality, functional structures, inspiring worship, holistic small groups, need-oriented evangelism, and loving relationships.

Purpose Driven Leadership

Lance Witt
Colossians 3:16-17

Being a leader for God looks different than being a leader in the world. Explore the verses that build the foundation of one specific church's perception of Biblical leadership and how it functions in today's world. Focusing on community and shared roles, leadership is emphasized by sharing our lives with others.

A Personal Leadership Development Experience

Bill Lawrence
Colossians 3:16-17

Leadership in the Christian life does not equal being greater or above anyone else. Rather, it is characterized by a life of service to others. Everything a leader does should be in the name of Jesus, as servants of God, not as if the church is God. It is a humble and low work.

How to Lead When You're Not Gifted to Lead

Gary DeLashmutt
1 Thessalonians 2:7-12

While God has given some people the gift of leadership, not all in a leadership role also have the spiritual gifting. What matters much more than a leadership gifting is the pursuit of character growth and sanctification. When Paul leaves Timothy in charge of the church in Ephesus, he tells Timothy to be an example to the people, preach God's Word, and not neglect the giftings God has given him. Even though Timothy was seemingly not a gifted leader, he was qualified for the office of leadership because he had godly character and was faithful with what God had given him.