The Good Shepherd

Dennis McCallum
John 10

God's method of leadership is through serving. Through God's example of servant leadership, we can understand the type of leaders He calls us to be. 1) We should influence others relationally, 2) we should lead by example through modeling, 3) we should invest in people deeply, 4) we should love sacrificially, 5) God will never abandon us, and so 6) we should never abandon our people.

Cultivating Character

Matt Boone
2 Timothy 2:2

There is no recipe for helping people cultivate character that works 100% of the time. If, however, we are in a position of leadership in any capacity, it is first important to make sure we are the kind of person we would want others to model their lives after. It also requires our willingness to enter into the chaos of people's lives and build deep relationships. Having open conversations with people about God's view of character encourages them to pray about it, research or seek input from others, and ultimately come to their own convictions about it.

Seeker Small Group

Mark Ashton
2 Timothy 2:2

In our culture today, people are seemingly becoming less interested in Christianity, seen through the declining numbers of church growth in America. Seeker small groups, however, target the meeting and discussion around people who are not believers in Christ. A group like this would have a majority of non-Christians with a Christian discussion leader and be a relatively small cluster of people. This provides a safe environment for spiritual discussion and is thus an effective method of evangelism. This can be especially effective for people who may not be close to believing in God yet. We discuss 10 "laws" of seeker small groups, why they are effective, and how to run them.

Casting a Vision

Mike Sullivan
2 Timothy 2:2

Our churches need people who are convinced of the need to serve and evangelize, and convinced that they have a role to play. But often people don't seriously believe they can be used to do great things. We need to give individuals a vision for how they can be used powerfully by God for His kingdom.

Toward a Leader Rich Church (Part 1)

Dennis McCallum
2 Timothy 2:2

How do we cultivate leader-rich churches? The most important question to answer is: are we prioritizing raising up qualified leaders? Do we see this as the key to success? We need to be properly defining leadership, pushing people toward that, and recognizing those that are growing a following. We look at seven tips for creating an environment in which we can cultivate leaders.

Toward a Leader Rich Church (Part 2)

Dennis McCallum
2 Timothy 2:2

As we continue to discuss raising up new leaders in the church, we look specifically at team leadership. How can leaders effectively work together to be used in a powerful way for God? What things have the potential to tear a team apart? We cover ways to preserve and strengthen leadership teams.

Raising Up Youth Leaders

Tom Dixon
Judges 2:6-10

An overview of what student ministry looks like at different ages and how to raise students up to be leaders is discussed. What qualities should be looked for in potential student leaders as well as essential components to time spent with those students. We also hear from a handful of student leaders on their experiences, growth, trials, and successes.

Saddleback's Model for Leadership Development

Lance Witt
Judges 2:6-10

Saddleback Church made the transition from a large-scale service into sustainable small groups. Following principles from "The Purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren, they implemented strategies to involve members and discover the best practice for them. Saddleback uses focus groups, provides curriculum, and coaches through relationships.

Leading Evangelism

Doug Patch
Colossians 1:28

God's heart and plan to reach the lost is through the church. While God is the one who ultimately causes the growth, we each have a role to play as well. Effective evangelism in a home church setting is driven largely through discipleship relationships between committed workers, bringing the power of the Word and teaching people that exchanging their agenda for their lives for God's agenda is ultimately fulfilling. For a home church to effectively reach the lost, a substantial number of members have to own God's plan for evangelism and reorder their lives according to His value system.