The Good Samaritan

Dennis McCallum
Luke 10

Jesus interaction with an expert in the law shows our inability to keep God's law perfectly. Rather than try and use works to become right with God, Christ offers forgiveness through his death on the cross to fulfill God's law and have a relationship free from works. The expert in the law desired to be righteous on his own, so Jesus used a parable of the Good Samaritan to show that God's requirement of love requires initiative, compassion, meeting immediate and long-term needs, and a willingness to suffer discomfort. This was shown through Jesus' life as we are unable to love God and others perfectly but can have Jesus pay for our failures at love.

Salvation by Faith Apart From Works

Dennis McCallum
Romans 3

Writing to both Jews and Gentiles in Rome, Paul explains that no one is made righteous by the Law. Rather, one's righteousness comes through faith in Jesus Christ. Throughout the Old Testament, animal sacrifices were used to atone for sin. Christ's death on the cross was the ultimate sacrifice of atonement, where Jesus took upon himself the punishment deserved by all of humanity - separation from God. It is only through this act of sacrifice that anyone can be made right with God.

Sermon on the Mount (Part 3): Jesus and the Law

Dennis McCallum
Romans 3:19-24

Jesus made it clear to the Pharisees that their interpretation of the Law fell way short of God's. The Law wasn't meant to show people the path to righteousness, but to show people their sin and that they need God's grace. God's Law isn't something we can bend to fit our moral inclinations, but a strong moral law that shows people their moral inadequacy compared to God's perfect moral standard.