Justification & "Real World" Spirituality

Jim Leffel
Romans 5:1-11

Our justification before God through Christ results in new spiritual realities. Now we have real peace with God, privileged access to God, and a future hope in heaven. When we encounter suffering in our lives, we can rejoice knowing that God is able to use it to transform and grow our character. As we grow in endurance and perseverance amidst trials, we can experience God's love and understand that it has eternal impact.

Justification By Faith

Jim Leffel
Romans 4:1-25

From the beginning, justification before God came through faith. Paul shows how Abraham's life exemplified how righteousness was granted to him because of his faith. When we understand God's unmerited favor and grace, we are confident and hopeful to see Him act. In addition, grace by faith allows for humility, gratitude, and motivates good works based on the faith we've received.

From Guilt to Justification

Jim Leffel
Romans 3:21-31

The only way to resolve our moral guilt before God is through being justified by faith through Jesus Christ. God decided to pay for our moral debt by sending Jesus to pay for the sin we had before God. By receiving Christ's forgiveness, our guilt has been paid for through Jesus' death on the cross and we are redeemed from our enslavement to sin. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the greatest news in human history and allows for real humility and transformation as we understand the lengths of Christ's sacrifice.

Becoming Who We Are (Part 1)

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 1

Paul's letter to the Ephesians begins with an emphasis on the new identity given to those who put their faith in Christ. This is a central message across Paul's letters and deeply impacts how we relate to God and others. Understanding and living out of our new identity is the key to real, lasting change in our lives. As Christians, we can rest in our adoption into God's family, the redemption we have through Jesus Christ, and the forgiveness Jesus provided at the cross.

Becoming Who We Are (Part 1)

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 1:3-10

Paul's letter to the Ephesians begins with an emphasis on the new identity given to those who put their faith in Christ. This is a central message across Paul's letters and deeply impacts how we relate to God and others. Understanding and living out of our new identity is the key to real, lasting change in our lives. As Christians, we can rest in our adoption into God's family, the redemption we have through Jesus Christ, and the forgiveness Jesus provided at the cross.

Suffering with a Purpose - The Crucifixion

Jim Leffel
Ephesians 1:3-10

Though it seems foolish to humanity, Jesus' death on the cross illustrates God's wisdom, justice, power, and authority, as well as His compassion for us. God had been planning this from the beginning. The Messiah was to be our substitute in death in order to redeem us so that we may be saved; Jesus' death is our only hope of reconciliation with God. When we accept God's forgiveness through Jesus, we become God's children and enjoy a personal relationship with Him.\r\n

Why God Became Human

Jim Leffel
Hebrews 2:5-18

According to the Bible, man was made with incredible value and purpose, yet has insurmountable guilt and corruption. While we could never save ourselves, God sent Jesus to identify with us as a man in order to serve as our substitute. Jesus' became man in order to enable us to have: 1) a new family; 2) victory over death; and 3) the assurance that God can relate to us.

Overview of Chapters 1-4

Jim Leffel
Galatians 1-4

Within the first four chapters of Galatians, there are three opposing views that Paul addresses within the Galatian church. The first is whether you relate and stand before God based on the law versus God's grace alone. The second was whether to be empowered by the flesh or the Spirit. Lastly, the effect of grace, and whether believers wish to be under bondage to the law or experience the freedom of living under God's grace.

The Afterlife

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 1:9-10

If there is nothing after death, then this life is meaningless. God has offered us salvation from death through Jesus' death on the cross and He has been working this plan since man first sinned. God wants us to join Him in Heaven for eternity, and all we have to do is accept His free gift of salvation.