
Jeff Gordon
Galatians 5:1-15

The Bible teaches that Christ saved us so that we could actually experience freedom. Instead of subjecting ourselves to slavery. This freedom means that we can approach God freely, follow Him with our lives, be open about our sin, and choose to serve others in love.

Faith vs. Law

Jeff Gordon
Galatians 2:16-20

In his letter to the Galatians, Paul argues the case that the Christian life is about faith rather than following the Law. He argues that we are justified by faith, and that because of this we are sanctified on the same basis: the work of Christ.

Who Does God Think He Is?

Ryan Lowery
Luke 20:9-19

Many fail to see how God could have the right to judge. To answer these objections, Jesus tells a parable about a vineyard to illustrate God's perspective on the human condition. God is the creator of all things, and has given us the purpose of love. Though God has sent ambassadors, including His own son, we have killed them. While God has the right to destroy us, He has extended us an offer of merciful forgiveness. We should acknowledge God's right to lead us, proclaim the truth boldly like Christ, and remember that we are God's adopted children.

I am the Light of the World

Jim Leffel
John 8:12-33

Jesus said the truth sets people free, yet we live in a culture that avoids the topic of truth and often prefers enslavement to addictions over freedom. Leffel contrasts worldly wisdom against godly wisdom to demonstrate the many areas in which God desires to bring healing and redemption.

Every Spiritual Blessing in Christ

Scott Risley
Ephesians 1:1-10

Paul the apostle describes the blessings God gives to those who begin a personal relationship with Him through Christ. These blessings of: complete forgiveness, adoption into God's family, and insight into God's plan for humanity are not always experienced in daily life. Christians often forget about these blessings, or do not consider them true, or fail to act, and therefore continue to live as orphans apart from God's family. An understanding and belief in the receipt of these blessings is vital for believers in Christ to live out this new identity as God's child and to experience a transformed life.

Welcome One Another

Gary DeLashmutt
Romans 15:7

All Christians are called to welcome one another. This includes welcoming people who have significant sociological differences. Welcoming does not mean passive acceptance or tolerance; and it does not mean snobbery or prejudice. To welcome means to actively and personally invite someone into your life. Welcoming one another is compelling evidence that Jesus is the living Lord. Christians can learn to welcome others by thanking God regularly for His undeserved welcome through Christ.\r\n

Cain and Abel

Ryan Lowery
Genesis 4:1-16

After mankind first chose to sin, things rapidly got worse. Four lessons can be learned from the story of Cain and Abel: 1) God stays involved even when you rebel; 2) God has regard for faith and not hollow religious service; 3) we must do what is right even when our emotional state says otherwise; and 4) don't harden your heart to God's truth.

Faith that Works

Gary DeLashmutt
James 2:14-26

Does the author James contradict the author Paul when he describes true faith as faith that works? No, rather they are each describing two different situations. James is arguing against a mere mental agreement with certain doctrines in order to gain God's acceptance. James is describing words that demonstrate living faith and this is consistent with God's promises. Application for readers today starts with personal belief in Jesus' death on the cross and then living a life of taking steps of faith for God. \r\n

Knowing Christ

Dennis McCallum
Romans 6:3-4

There are two options to be made right with God: doing good works and hoping that they are enough to please God, or asking God for Christ's sacrifice on the cross to count for you and for his righteousness to be imputed to you. If we choose the second plan, we can experience true freedom from sin and enjoy our position in Christ instead of relying on our condition. This second plan is not free from suffering though, and Christians will experience difficulty and pain as they seek to be conformed to the image of Christ.