Who is Worthy?

Dennis McCallum
Revelation 4:1-5:14

John is given another vision that displays God's wrath and intent to judge. This passage leads believers and people curious about who God is to consider what justice means and if judgement is warranted on Earth. It also leads to some startling realizations about the world we live in today and how we are closer to this time than ever.

Jesus is Coming Back

Jeff Gordon
Revelation 19:1-21

The next piece of John's vision depicts the end of the battle, when Christ comes back and defeats all evil. Heavy on the wrath of God, the passage illustrates that evil is temporary. The lack of knowing when this will happen creates urgency in making a decision about Christ's role in one's life, while the certainty of this event lets believers carry on without bitterness or worry, knowing that God will judge and avenge evil one day.

Three Questions about God and Morality

Jim Leffel
Matthew 5:17-48

We look at three questions on morality: 1) what's the meaning of morality, 2) what's the standard of morality, and 3) what's the purpose of morality? We see from Jesus' teachings how humility and gratitude, not pride, are components in the meaning and standard of morality.

Behold, Your King

Scott Risley
Psalms 22:14-18

Death by crucifixion is brutal and bloody, and Jesus' death on the cross was no exception. However, Jesus' death was not merely an execution but rather God's plan for the salvation of mankind, and his death simultaneously fulfilled Old Testament prophecy and satisfied God's wrath. Through his sacrifice, we are able have our moral debt paid in full and to experience a personal relationship with God.

Who Does God Think He Is?

Ryan Lowery
Luke 20:9-19

Many fail to see how God could have the right to judge. To answer these objections, Jesus tells a parable about a vineyard to illustrate God's perspective on the human condition. God is the creator of all things, and has given us the purpose of love. Though God has sent ambassadors, including His own son, we have killed them. While God has the right to destroy us, He has extended us an offer of merciful forgiveness. We should acknowledge God's right to lead us, proclaim the truth boldly like Christ, and remember that we are God's adopted children.

Who Is On Trial?

Jeff Gordon
John 18:4-19:16

As Jesus was handed over to be put on trial, he knew all that was going to happen to him. Because of this, Jesus was able to step out and not hide, yet respect their positions. Even though this was God's will for Jesus to be crucified, John portrays the hypocrisy within the religious system and their knowledge of Jesus' innocence. Living in a fallen world, we are called to live in a redemptive way with the knowledge that our true kingdom is not of this world. \r\n

The False Teachers

Dennis McCallum
2 Peter 2:1-22

False teachers deny their Lord, work with a hidden motive, are arrogant, and construct their own "truth", such as fundamentally changing the idea of God's judgment. Humanity often has contempt for the idea of God judging, but only a just God can be truly loving. These false teachers have existed throughout history, and still do today.

Sermon On The Plain - Part 2

Ryan Lowery
Luke 6:27-49

Many believe that Christian churches are full of judgment and hypocrisy, though Jesus calls believers to love their enemies unconditionally. In addition to this, we are also called to stand up for the truth. This requires an understanding of God's moral standards and how we fall short ourselves. This humble stance gives us the ability to hear God's instruction ourselves.

Understanding Case Law

Dennis McCallum
Exodus 21:1-11

Although it's often a target of opponents of Christianity, case law served as a template for the courts in Israel to provide justice and protection to its most vulnerable and poorest members in specific situations. Understood properly against the background of surrounding ancient near eastern societies, case law actually stands out as a testament to God's love and compassion. We will look specifically at case law regarding indentured servitude.