The Problem With Religion

Ben Foust
Romans 2:1-3:9

Paul warns against human judgement and self-righteousness, calling attention to our hypocrisy and God's mercy for all. Paul reflects on God's righteousness.

The Bad News

Ben Foust
Romans 1:18-25

Paul shares the bad news--that no man is good enough to earn his way to approval and acceptance by God, who is perfect--even one sin disqualifies you from heaven and qualifies you for eternal judgment. This is in keeping with Him being a just God. While this is bad news, understanding and accepting it leads us to God's good news, that He has made a way for us to have these sins covered and paid for, through Jesus' sacrifice on the cross.

An Imprecatory Psalm

Gary DeLashmutt
Psalms 58

Some people are uncomfortable with the imprecatory psalms in the Bible. They feel it makes God out to be a vengeful, blood-thirsty god. But it is God's love that requires Him to judge evil. God is amazingly patient with sinful people and willing to forgive all kinds of sin, but He will judge people who refuse to repent. Jesus' substitutionary death is the ultimate demonstration of God's love and the ultimate satisfaction of His righteousness.

How Does God Help When it Hurts?

James Rochford
1 Peter 4:12-19

The Bible warns us that suffering in this world is inevitable. The question is will you suffer as the world suffers, with surprise and complaining or will you suffer with joy and gratitude that you have received mercy instead of justice? Why is gratitude the right response to suffering? Gratitude gives us a "mental break" and places suffering in the correct context. Gratitude also reminds us we are not imprisoned victims of our circumstances. The real question is do you believe God is trustworthy or not?

The Days of Noah

Scott Risley
1 Peter 3:17-20

Like in the days of Noah when God patiently waited for people to turn to Him, so too does God long to rescue us today. In the days of Noah, God had Noah build an ark to rescue people and animals from the impending judgment of a flood. Today, we have the finished work that Christ accomplished on the cross, taking our judgment upon Himself. Instead of boarding a boat, we can simply put our trust in Jesus to save us.

Suffering for Doing What Is Right

Conrad Hilario
1 Peter 3:17-4:5

Peter uses the story of Noah to illustrate that it is better to suffer for doing right than for doing wrong. Noah endured about a hundred years of mockery for building a boat in a land that never saw rain. But Noah faithfully continued to build the ark and preached righteousness. Peter explains the ark saving the righteous from the judgment of the flood symbolized how Jesus is our ark who saves us from God's judgment through His resurrection. Water baptism does not save anyone, but it is a symbol of your salvation if you have put your faith in Jesus.

Avoiding Judgment

Dennis McCallum
1 Peter 3:18-21

In 1 Peter 3, Peter uses the analogy of Noah and his family being saved when they were put into the ark. Noah, his family and all the animals were saved from judgment when they entered the ark. Jesus is like the ark. When you are put into Him, you escape judgment. Jesus said if anyone hears His word, and believes who sent Him, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but passes out of death into life.

An Imprecatory Psalm

Gary DeLashmutt
Psalms 58

Imprecatory psalms that call down judgment on evil-doers may cause discomfort in modern readers and tempt them to avoid those psalms. But then one would have to excise a significant portion of Scripture. But taking a closer look, one sees that in Psalm 58 that David does not seek personal vengeance but that God would intervene to uphold His reputation. David desires the wicked rulers would repent so they can take refuge in God. Reaping the consequences of evil behavior is an act of God's love designed to bring us to repentance so we can receive forgiveness.

Messiah's Glorious Kingdom

Gary DeLashmutt
Psalms 72

While King Solomon is praying for his own ability to reign properly, he is also alluding to the ultimate reign of Messiah. King Messiah's reign will be marked by God-given moral integrity and wisdom. It will bring unparalleled peace and prosperity. It will be world-wide and everlasting. It will fulfill God's promise to Abraham that all nations will be blessed through him.