Nichodemas & John the Baptist

Jeff Gordon
John 3:1-36

Jesus refers back to an event in the Old Testament when Moses lifted up a snake in the wilderness to be looked upon for personal salvation. Jesus likens himself to the snake, in such a way that he too will be lifted up and looked upon for personal salvation. We need spiritual rebirth which can only come through humble faith in Jesus Christ.

Sermon On The Plain - Part 2

Ryan Lowery
Luke 6:27-49

Many believe that Christian churches are full of judgment and hypocrisy, though Jesus calls believers to love their enemies unconditionally. In addition to this, we are also called to stand up for the truth. This requires an understanding of God's moral standards and how we fall short ourselves. This humble stance gives us the ability to hear God's instruction ourselves.

The Blood of the Lamb

Scott Risley
Exodus 11:1-12:42

God sends the tenth and final plague on Pharaoh and the Egyptians. Moses explains God's detailed instructions for the Passover. Striking parallels between the Passover lamb and Jesus Christ are presented including 1) The choice of the lamb, 2) The blood of the lamb, 3) The meal of the lamb, 4) The protection of the lamb, 5) The memorial of the lamb.

One More Plague

Dennis McCallum
Exodus 12:1-33

For the final plague God tells Moses to announce to Pharaoh that the first born male of Egyptians and their livestock will die. Moses instructs the Israelites in detail how God will pass over their homes if they sacrifice an animal and paint their door frames with its blood. In reflection, the substitutionary animal offering of the Israelites foreshadows the future death of Christ that pays for all of humanity's sins.

The Heart of Pharaoh and the Hand of God

Scott Risley
Exodus 7:3-10:29

The first nine plagues are unleashed on Egypt. They powerfully demonstrate that Yahweh is superior to the Egyptian gods and the Egyptians will be held accountable for their harsh treatment of the Israelites. Understanding God's unlimited power gives us a deeper appreciation for the love God demonstrated by allowing human beings to crucify his son Jesus.

The Plagues

Dennis McCallum
Exodus 10:16-29

In the first 9 plagues, God demonstrated that He is the only true God in contrast to the false Egyptian gods. Moses and Aaron speak to the Pharaoh with messages from God before each plague eventually ending in Pharaoh never wanting to see them again. A naturalistic explanation has been put forth to explain the plagues. However the plagues were given as God's justice to display Yahweh as the only God to the Israelites and Egyptians.

God's Justice

Scott Risley
2 Thessalonians 1:1

Here, we address a topic that many Christians would rather avoid: the reality of Hell. Paul is writing his second letter to the church in Thessalonica to instruct them on a few key points. He begins the letter by encouraging them on the ways in which their church is doing well. They are growing in faith and love, and a few points of application are made about practical steps we can take to grow in our faith. The passage moves on to describe the Thessalonians' victorious suffering in the midst of intense persecution. Paul says that God will use this persecution to show His justice, in other words, their good attitudes show that they believe God is aware of suffering and evil, and intends to do something about it. However the issue of "God's justice" is often considered problematic. Does God have the right to judge anyone? If Hell does exist, what is it like? Does the punishment really fit the crime? This teaching addresses all of these questions and more. Although Hell is real, God doesn't want anyone to go there, and has offered everyone a way to escape.\r\n

Growth, Persecution, and Judgment

Dennis McCallum
2 Thessalonians 1:1-12

God has given us the ability to take steps to grow in faith and love. Believers face persecution, which leads to growth. Without belief, people face the prospect of Hell, which is the absence of God.

Overcoming Obstacles to Love Relationship: Resentfulness

Gary DeLashmutt
Matthew 18:21-35

Resentfulness and bitterness are real barriers to the love that we have toward other people. God has forgiven everyone for their sins, this includes you. Are you willing to forgive others like God forgave you?