The Seven Seals

Dennis McCallum
Revelation 6:1-17

John describes a scroll with seven seals that needs to be opened ? the consummation of human history. The Lamb of God is the only one able to break the seals, and the seals release forms of judgment. The first is conquest; the second, war; the third, famine; the fourth, death. The fifth and sixth seals released the martyrs and natural disasters. These first six seals mostly represent passive judgment where the earth is already in agony. The question that remains is this: as the situation worsens, will this tribulation period lead people to turn to God?

Who is Worthy?

Dennis McCallum
Revelation 4:1-5:14

John is given another vision that displays God's wrath and intent to judge. This passage leads believers and people curious about who God is to consider what justice means and if judgement is warranted on Earth. It also leads to some startling realizations about the world we live in today and how we are closer to this time than ever.

Jesus is Coming Back

Jeff Gordon
Revelation 19:1-21

The next piece of John's vision depicts the end of the battle, when Christ comes back and defeats all evil. Heavy on the wrath of God, the passage illustrates that evil is temporary. The lack of knowing when this will happen creates urgency in making a decision about Christ's role in one's life, while the certainty of this event lets believers carry on without bitterness or worry, knowing that God will judge and avenge evil one day.

Three Questions about God and Morality

Jim Leffel
Matthew 5:17-48

We look at three questions on morality: 1) what's the meaning of morality, 2) what's the standard of morality, and 3) what's the purpose of morality? We see from Jesus' teachings how humility and gratitude, not pride, are components in the meaning and standard of morality.

Jesus' Letters to 7 Groups (Pt. 3)

Dennis McCallum
Revelation 3:6-22

The final churches Christ addresses in John's vision are Philadelphia and Laodicea. While the former is encouraged, Laodicea is completely rebuked. Laodicea was content in the world, and they refused to be more than lukewarm towards God. This passage digs into the dangers of being like Laodicea, including the impact on ministry that can have.

Deadly Hypocrisy

Ryan Lowery
Acts 4:32-5:11

While the early church was extremely generous, Ananias and Sapphira were disciplined by God for holding back money. The real problem that the couple had was the spiritual posturing and deceptive practice known as hypocrisy. Hypocrisy is a direct threat to the witness of the church because of how grossly it misrepresents God and because of how quickly in can spread. We can fight hypocrisy by striving to love others authentically and by being honest about failures.

The Beginning of the End

Scott Risley
Revelation 1:1-20

We are introduced to Revelation; a book giving us a glimpse into Jesus' future return as king on earth. John describes symbolic visions he received from God about the end times. During this time, many scary things will happen, including a final judgement. But in the end, God wins and if you belong to God through Christ, you have no need to be afraid.

The Great Tribulation

Jeff Gordon
Matthew 24:7-27

John describes the next part of his vision: The Great Tribulation. The Lamb of God breaks the first four seals on the scroll, releasing four horses and their riders (one of conquest, one or war, one of famine, and one of death). The fifth seal released those who were martyred, and the sixth released natural disasters. The seventh seal released plagues, evil spirits, and God's judgment. The length of time between the beginning of the tribulation and God's final judgment proves His desire to reach out to lost people and His goal of redemption.

The Great Tribulation

Gary DeLashmutt
Revelation 15:5-16:21

During the period of The Great Tribulation, God is involved in an extraordinary way to both judge and redeem. God judges directly to rescue his creation by destroying hardened enemies, yet often also judges indirectly to demonstrate the folly of rebellion in hopes that some will turn back. During the time of The Great Tribulation, God judges directly while taking a multitude of actions to plead with people to turn back to Him.