Joy & Unity

Jim Leffel
John 17:20-23

Unity in our lives matters because we are witnesses of God's grace and good news. There are many ways in which we can all pursue unity with one another. We learn, not only how we can pursue unity, but that when we pursue unity with the same humility Jesus demonstrated by dying on the cross, we will have real joy in our lives.

Joy & Serving

Jim Leffel
1 John 3:2

Paul expresses a motivation to serve others that is rooted, in part, by the deep connections formed as a result. When we understand, like Paul, that we are victorious with Christ both in this life and the next, we can be free to strive to love others, joyfully.

Joy & God's Sovereignty

Jim Leffel
Acts 17:26-27

Like Paul, sometimes our situations seem to distract us from joy. However, we see that when we understand God's sovereignty and ability to work purposefully, even through superficially negate situations, we gain a new perspective and can experience joy throughout the worst of circumstances.

Joy in Relationships

Jim Leffel
1 John 3:2

Our culture is extremely autonomous. We value independence and freedom above all else. However, at the same time, reports of loneliness have skyrocketed. People have very few real friends. A look at how to build relationships with people and how to experience true joy through relationships.

Reflections on Joy

Jim Leffel
Philippians 1:1-5

Philippians is often referred to as the epistle of joy. What is true joy? How do we experience it? This teaching is an introduction to these questions.

God Opposes the Proud

Conrad Hilario
James 4:6

King Nebuchadnezzar arrogantly refuses to give God the glory for his accomplishments. God drives him mad for a period of time until he humbles himself and his sanity and kingdom are restored to him. His story teaches us about the emptiness of power and wealth, how pride dehumanizes us, and the joy humility offers. In chapter five, King Belshazzar, Nebuchadnezzar's successor, defies God by drinking from holy cups taken from the temple in Jerusalem. Because of his lack of humility, God allows him to be overthrown by Darius the Mede. His story warns us against rejecting abundant evidence, to consider our own mortality, and to repent before it's too late.\r\n

Not the God You Expect (Wedding at Cana)

Ryan Lowery
1 John 4:8-11

In studying Jesus' first miracle--providing wine at a wedding--we can see the Jesus is not the God that people may expect. People tend to expect that God hates fun, He wants to stop people from having fun, He uses shame to control, and He loves weird rituals. Through this miracle we see the opposite of this dark view of God. Even Christians are in danger of viewing God in a distrusting way, expecting bad things from Him rather than accepting the good gifts He freely gives us and we need to understand how good He is to represent Him accurately to the world.

David: The Heart of a Leader

Jim Leffel
1 Samuel 16:1-21

God calls David "a man after His own heart" & selects him as King. David's heart is for God. Despite circumstances of life, David is transformed by the Spirit of God and his response is compassionate, gracious and humble. All character qualities necessary for leadership.

Love - Labor, Joy and Glory

Lindsey Tobin
1 Thessalonians 2:19-20

As we examine Paul's labor for the Thessalonian and Corinthian churches, we see that while he labored, he also experienced real joy. This workshop explores the relationship between these two realities as well as glory - glory in God's presence, in his rewards, and in himself. A deeper look into these letters gives us a rich understanding of what these truly look like and how they apply to our lives today. We also see the joy killers we should seek to avoid as we labor in our Christian lives. \r\n