Obstacles to Spiritual Renewal

Gary DeLashmutt
Acts 4:32-5:14

Satan is opposed to spiritual renewal. In Acts four and five, we see an example of one of his usual tactics, attacking from within using hypocrisy, and how God intervened. We analyze what is so damaging about hypocrisy, why God punished Ananias and Sapphira the way He did, and how we can cooperate with God and experience a low-hypocrisy church.

Grace is Pardon

Jim Leffel
Galatians 2:11-21

Paul rebukes Peter for his hypocrisy and how his actions don't communicate the truth of the gospel to Jews and Gentiles. The grace of God motivates people to obey God based on total undeserved acceptance and contrasts legalism, where acceptance before God is based on our works or by obeying the law. The gospel pardons sinners by justifying based on Christ's righteousness and unites us with Christ, allowing us to live radically new lives based on a new identity in Christ. Living lives based on being pardoned by God's grace will be characterized by genuine love, gratitude, and a positive focus because of God's mercy.

Playing Games with God

Dennis McCallum
Mark 7:1-23

Jesus and the Pharisees held two competing views of spirituality which caused immense disputing among them. The Pharisees focused on man-made religion and outward observance, while neglecting the inward heart attitudes that God desires from people. While the Pharisees avoided acknowledging their sin and claimed to be close to God, Jesus stressed the importance of grace, freely receiving a relationship with God without any man-made works. Outward observance and inward heart change are in stark contrast to each other.

Jesus Takes on Tradition

Dennis McCallum
Mark 2:18-3:6

Jesus' teachings concerning fasting, wine and wineskins, and helping people on the Sabbath, distinguish human teaching from God's agenda. Man-made traditions tend to be legalistic, exacting and ultimately unloving. God's agenda, seen through grace, is motivated by what's most loving and is flexible to get God's purposes moving forward. Human traditions often collide with how God desires us to live, as the focus becomes more on the method versus loving people. This teaching includes an interview asking people what they think about church traditions.

Jesus' Spiritual Revolution

Dennis McCallum
Mark 2:13-17

Jesus interaction at Levi's party distinguishes his focus on love versus the fortress theology of the Pharisees. The attitude of the Pharisees was mean-spirited, accusing, and self-righteous. Jesus' love didn't discriminate based on their cultural standing or the sins of people, but was for those who really wanted to be healed and seek forgiveness. Jesus was excited to show love to all types of people and interested in those who see their helplessness as opposed to those who think they're fine on their own.

When God Judges

Dennis McCallum
Amos 1:2-8

Amos was a prophet who spoke about God's judgment to the Assyrians. The sins of these people and this judgment is a reminder of how there must be justice from God in order Him to be good. The argument for justice needing to be served is then turned back onto the audience, who has to learn that they are just as sinful. This would hopefully lead to a lack of self-righteousness, an appreciation of grace, an eagerness to share grace, a sensitizing towards sin, and a freedom from vengeance.

Is John Saying Christians Don't Sin?

Gary DeLashmutt
1 John 3:5-9

John's teaching raises the question of whether there can be Christians who commit sins. The idea that Christians can cease sinning is taught against clearly in other parts of Scripture. Instead, John is combating false teachers who intentionally sinned in a habitual lifestyle without remorse. These false teachers lived sexually immoral lives and yet taught their followers that they were above sexual immorality, further affirming their false teaching and hypocrisy. Those who are truly known by Christ are eager to share his message with others, have a sensitized conscience, are eager to hear from God's Word, and have a growing love for other Christians. This stands in contrast to the false teachers John was arguing against.

False Teachers

Gary DeLashmutt
1 John 4:16

John warns his audience about the false teachers, something Jesus had forewarned about. False teachers are detected by their immoral lifestyle and teachings, their lack of love for others, and their denial of Jesus' identity. In order to combat false teaching, we should learn God's Word so we can evaluate teachers, reach out to victims of false teachers, and warn others about them.

Exchanging the Old Self For the New (Part 3)

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 4

One aspect of being at peace with God is being at peace with all people through conflict resolution. Godly conflict resolution brings glory to Him and allows for His power and wisdom to be demonstrated. As we go before God, He is able to show us ways we're at fault amidst conflict and ways in which He is able to be glorified through conflict resolution.