Living Water

Jeff Gordon
John 7:14-44

Jesus teaches at the Festival of Tabernacles where people have different responses to who he claims to be. He claims to be the Son of God and the source of living water. Anyone can have their thirst quenched by believing in him and receiving the Holy Spirit. Those who do this can respond with courage rather than fear because they are motivated out of love and concern for those who have not yet believed.

Awesome Community (Part 1)

Jim Leffel
Acts 2:41-47

The early church is formed with it's foundation as the Holy Spirit, binding the Christians together as a family in Christ. As the Christ-followers drew near to God they also drew near to each other, experiencing "koinonia", or fellowship. There is a distinction here between going TO church and being IN fellowship. In fellowship we experience intimate community, characterized by warmth, acceptance, reliance, trust, generosity, and gratitude. As we consider what God has done in our own lives through fellowship, we can be thankful and press on to continue to serve others in order to deepen that community.

Don't Quench the Spirit!

Gary DeLashmutt
1 Thessalonians 5:19-22

Paul continues to give the Thessalonian church instructions on how to grow their closeness with Christ. He instructs them to not quench the Holy Spirit, and highlights areas in which this can come out: 1) despising prophetic utterances, or tuning out God's message in its various forms; 2) mocking genuine enthusiasm for God by stifling or dismissing others excitement about God; and 3) shrinking away from scary steps of faith. By not quenching the Holy Spirit's work in our lives, we are freed up to become more intimate in our relationship with God.

Proclaiming the "Good News"

Jim Leffel
Acts 2:1-41

During the Jewish Festival of Weeks, on the day of Pentecost, the disciples are filled with the Holy Spirit and the new chapter of the church officially begins. Peter conveys the God's message of reconciliation to the crowds that have gathered, pointing to the prophecy that has been fulfilled in the book of Joel. We have been entrusted with this same message of reconciliation, and can have the same confidence in the Holy Spirit to work through us to reach the world with it!

Promise of the Holy Spirit

Jim Leffel
John 14:1-18

The idea of Jesus leaving was uncomfortable at best for His disciples. In answering several of Thomas' questions, Jesus gives the disciples reassurance of their future and position by explaining to them His oneness with God, the power of prayer, and the role of the Holy Spirit. In growing in our relationship with God and enduring the trials of this life, we need similar reassurance. When studying this passage, we learn that we can: expect God to transform our lives and answer our prayers, have confidence in God because we are sealed with the Holy Spirit, and understand the mind of God because we can be taught by the Holy Spirit.

God's and Man's Role in Multiplication

Dennis McCallum
Colossians 1:28-29

McCallum teaches that multiplication is better at producing church growth than other ways. In living according to this biblical model it's essential to understand God's role and man's role. Things only God can accomplish in people's lives include: 1) reaching people's hearts; 2) conviction of sin; 3) imparting wisdom; 4) real transformation; 5) imparting hunger for ministry; 6) sustaining motivation. Under a correct view of God's role, we can participate in our role effectively. A few things this includes is exerting myself to love others, trying to disciple others, and playing my part in the body of Christ. Regular reassessment of how we're viewing God's role and our role is necessary for every Christian.\r\n

Kingdom Multiplication

Ed Stetzer
Luke 24:46-49

There are four biblical principles that should propel the church into a multiplying movement. The first is that all people are sent into the world to share the Gospel. The second is that Jesus commissioned his followers to go to all people. The third is having a true understanding of the message that should be shared; the Gospel. The fourth principle is that in all this work God is the one who empowers you with the Holy Spirit.

A Profile of Christian Conversion

Gary DeLashmutt
1 Thessalonians 1:1-10

Paul wrote to the Thessalonian church in 48 A.D. after having spent a few weeks with them. In the beginning of this letter, Paul focuses on five key elements of a person becoming a genuine believer in Jesus Christ: 1) God initiates with them; 2) God pursues people through His Holy Spirit, the gospel message of forgiveness and by human messengers; 3) a person makes a heart decision to turn from idols and serve God and acknowledge the need for His forgiveness; 4) when a person asks for Jesus' forgiveness, they are no longer under God's judgment; and 5) their lives are freed up to love other Christians, share Christ with others and have real hope for the next life.

Christian Euphoria

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 5:18-20

While the Bible prohibits drunkenness, God does not discourage pleasure. Euphoria and ecstasy do have a place in the Christian life, but it is not the most important thing to spiritual people. Real ecstasy comes from the spiritual side of life; through thanksgiving, relationships, and seeing God changing people's lives.