Christian Community (Part 6) - Forgive One Another

Gary DeLashmutt
1 John 2:9-11

The only way to preserve closeness in relationships with sinful people is to forgive as God has forgiven us. If we choose not to forgive others it leads to the crushing consequences of bitterness. Experiencing biblical forgiveness includes being willing to act and looking to Scripture to expose any misconceptions that we hold.

More lessons on Prayer

Dennis McCallum
Luke 11:5-13

Jesus tells a parable to argue that if a selfish person would give his persistent neighbor what he needs, then a good and loving God will generously give us everything we need. If we seek God and His will out in prayer, then God promises that we will find Him and experience His goodness. Therefore, we should be persistent in prayer, which leads to deeper faith and dependence on God's love and power.

Reaching Rejects: Matthew's Party

Dennis McCallum
Luke 5

Jesus' healing of a paralytic and a man with leprosy demonstrates his radical concern for the outcast within society. He goes a step further by commissioning Levi, a tax collector, to follow him. Tax collectors were despised within society, but Jesus had compassion and sought those who were rejected to be his followers instead of those who didn't think they needed help. Jesus' love for sinners and those who are helpless demonstrated God's radical love to those who are undeserving.

Christ and Fulfilled Prophecy

Dennis McCallum
Luke 3

The genealogy of Jesus Christ is a powerful apologetic for the authenticity of God's Word. God's plan revealed through His Word has been in place for thousands of years. The genealogies reveal God's grace as he uses common and sinful people to advance His plan through Christ, highlighting the hypocrisy that Jesus would combat during his ministry.

Cleansing from a Guilty Conscience

Gary DeLashmutt
Psalms 51

The Psalms often provide empathy and instruction, and in this case David writes about cleansing oneself of a guilty conscience. When he took Bathsheba and had her husband killed, his sin was called out by the prophet Nathan. In response to his crime and its revelation, David cried out to the Lord. Through his Psalms we learn that the only way to cleanse a guilty conscience is to sincerely seek out God's grace.

Love Relationships Under God

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 22:36-40

The concept of love is the summary of the intent of the entire Biblical Law and Prophets. Love is found in personal relationships with others, beginning with God. The key to understanding and experiencing love is to understand and experience God. These theological ideas are explored in the first of three lessons from Romans 13. Includes quotes from "What Americans Believe" by George Barna and "True Spirituality" by Francis Schaeffer.\r\n

The Threat of Legalism

Gary DeLashmutt
Philippians 3:1-9

The Philippians were in danger of falling prey to false teaching about God, namely, legalism?essentially teaching that God's acceptance of humans/salvation is based on their works for Him. These false teachers were promoting circumcision as the basis for God's approval. Legalism puts confidence in the flesh to gain God's acceptance. Paul reminded the Philippians of the message of grace that they had previously accepted. They were right with God solely through God's forgiveness by means of Jesus' death; God's grace is not based on human works and is given in spite of sin.

The Mystery of Grace

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 20:1-16

Jesus use the parable of the workers in the field to illustrate the mystery of God's grace. The parable reveals that anyone who wants to experience God's grace has to come with empty hands, knowing that they can do nothing to earn it. It also illustrates that an attitude of pride and self-righteousness that blocks people from accepting this free gift.\r\n

God's Triumph in Christ

Gary DeLashmutt
2 Corinthians 2:14-17

Have you ever meet someone and you wanted to listen to them and be around them more? This sort of instant connection is described by Paul as an aromatic Christian and there are a few ways we can grow in being a pleasant aroma to those around us. Speaking God's Word, our confidence in God's Word and the power of the Gospel has the power to convict people and bring them to God. Living out our transformed lives shows something different to the watching world. We can all have this kind of impact on others regardless of our limitations.