A Tale of Two Women

Jim Leffel
Galatians 4:1-31

There are two paths to do God's will that Paul points out to the Galatians: 1) according to the flesh; or 2) according to the Spirit. As Christians live according the Spirit, we act in faith as we confidently expect God to deliver on what He promises. This type of active dependence allows us to see God's provision more and more in our lives. Living under legalism when trying to follow God will lead to enslavement, failure, and despair.

Promise and Freedom

Jim Leffel
Galatians 3:15-29

Paul tells the Galatians that real freedom comes from living under God's grace instead of legalism. Under legalism, our identity is based off our works and leads to: superficial relating with others, fear of failure, and looking to others for our sense of approval. Under grace, we know: that we're going to fail but we still act, we look to demonstrate God to others, and our lives are transparent. Living under grace allows us to realize God's promises to us as His children and to depend on the Holy Spirit in our lives for change.

Faith is the Foundation of Freedom

Jim Leffel
Galatians 3:1-14

Paul addresses the Galatians, reminding them that spiritual growth comes from dependence on the Holy Spirit and not looking to the Law. The righteousness we receive from God is based on faith, not by works. As Christians, the key to spiritual growth is trusting in the complete adequacy of Christ, the empowering work of the Holy Spirit, and the justification we receive from his work on the cross. This teaching includes a testimony from Travis Henderson about moving away from legalism into thinking about living under grace.

Isn't Freedom Dangerous?

Jim Leffel
Galatians 2:11-21

Paul rebukes Peter for his hypocrisy and how his actions don't communicate the truth of the gospel to Jews and Gentiles. The grace of God motivates people to obey God based on total undeserved acceptance and contrasts legalism, where acceptance before God is based on our works or by obeying the law. Once we know Christ, the new identity we have through his death allows us to serve God out of grace, and not push us towards a lifestyle of active rebellion and sin towards God.

Paul: Apostle and Revolutionary

Jim Leffel
Galatians 1:10-2:10

Paul combats the Judaizers by defending the message of the Gospel of God. Paul uses his own personal testimony as direct revelation of God and evidence for the real life-transforming power of grace, which not only transformed his motivation but was also accepted by the apostles of Jesus Christ. The grace of God called Paul into a life of radical service for God and others, reflecting God's compassion and mercy towards a zealous sinner. Paul's understanding of God's grace resulted in radical thanksgiving.

Christianity in Crisis

Jim Leffel
Galatians 1:1-10

The Apostle Paul argues for the truth found in the Gospel as legalistic Judaizers were trying to distort God's message of salvation in Galatia. The true Gospel says that humans are incapable of being righteous before God, but through Jesus Christ they can have eternal life by asking for God's mercy to apply to them. The false teachers Paul was combating added obedience to the law as means to salvation and growing with God, a theological debate that has plagued Christianity. The difference between works and faith is wide-spread in areas including: 1) our approach to God; 2) our acceptability; 3) our spiritual state; 4) the real issue between us and God; and 5) the power to live.

A Key to Spiritual Greatness

Gary DeLashmutt
2 Corinthians 12:1-10

Paul's great vision provides insight into spiritual greatness as he encountered a thorn from Satan. God is able to give sufficient grace to bear the thorns in our lives in a victorious way. God is powerful and can work through our thorns to impact others powerfully for the sake of Christ. As we embrace our weakness before God, He is able to bring about His power, along with fruitful blessings.

The Great Secret: Dealing with Negativity

Dennis McCallum
Romans 8:5-7

Paul called the Philippians to set their minds on the good things that are true of them in Christ. Paul found contentment in rejoicing in God's Love and trusting in His provision. Our relationship with God gives us a firm basis for joy.

The Crucifixion

Chris Lang
John 19:31-33

Throughout the Bible we see that Jesus going to the cross was God's ultimate plan for salvation. In the details of Jesus' crucifixion we see the lengths that God went to, to forgive humanity's sin. Jesus experienced scourging, mocking, humiliation, and ultimately death on a cross. Through His death God demonstrated His perfect love and forgiveness.