Serving Love in the Body of Christ, Part Two

Dennis McCallum
1 Thessalonians 5:16-28

Dennis finishes up 1 Thessalonians 5 with the remaining imperatives of effective body life. He calls all Christians to rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks, not quench the Spirit, and have discernment on spiritual matters. It is not up to us to muster the ability to do these things, but for us to depend upon God to bring it to pass.

Serving Love in the Body of Christ

Dennis McCallum
1 Thessalonians 5:14-15

In this passage of 1 Thessalonians 5, Paul gives five of eleven imperatives for effective body life. (The first imperative was covered in the previous teaching) Here, he urges all to warn the lazy, encourage the fainthearted, care for the weak, have patience, and practice grace toward everyone. A community that practices these things will grow spiritually and be a compelling witness to the world of God's love and transformative power.

Knowing God

Jim Leffel
Jeremiah 9:23-24

In this section of Jeremiah, God tells us it is possible to know Him and understand His character. Jim Leffel walks us through different pieces of evidence for God and how to build our understanding of Him.

God Parts the Red Sea

Conrad Hilario
Exodus 13-15

God is sovereign and does not always explain His plans to us. When God led the Israelites out of Egypt, He took them on a curious route, not a direct path, to the the Promised Land. We need to depend upon God for His direction and His protection, even when we don't understand His plan.

The Law of The Spirit

Ben Foust
Romans 7:14-8:4

Paul explains the failure we experience when we try to follow the Law of God out of our own will-power. Instead, Paul points us to live under God's grace, where we are free from the requirements of the Law. \r\n

Oldness of The Letter

Ben Foust
Romans 7:1-13

Paul explains that the Law is good because it exposes the sins and evil of humanity. However, if we have died with Christ then we have died to the Law and are now living under Grace. Instead of being bound to the Law, we are now bound to Christ.

The Newness of life

Ben Foust
Romans 6:1-14

Paul explains that because we are dead to sin through Christ's crucifixion, we are also made alive through His resurrection. The implication of this truth is that we can live a new life under grace.

The God Who Chooses Failures

James Rochford
Exodus 2:11-4:20

The story of God calling Moses from the burning bush teaches us that God doesn't choose people based on their abilities and in fact He chooses people who are failures by the world's standards. In spite of all of Moses' doubts, fears, past failures and present shortcomings, God had a plan for Moses that was not hindered by his issues. At eighty years of age, Moses' story wasn't over yet, and neither is yours!

Introduction to The Letter

Ryan Lowery
1 Corinthians 1:1-9

Despite the highly immoral culture of Corinth, a church was able to be planted there. A few years after leaving them, Paul writes to the Corinthians to set them straight on a multitude of moral issues and encourage them back towards the main message of Christ.