Persuasion vs. Pressure

John Ross

Being persuasive is a key factor in convincing others to give their lives to God. Using pressure can be counter-productive or ineffective in making our case. This teaching highlights what it looks like to be persuasive for God and how to avoid pressuring people. The teacher explains the effects of pressuring people and what it means about us. With the correct understanding we can create a healthy tension where we work with people, not against them.

Saying "Yes" to Christ's Community

Patrice McCormac
Romans 12:4-5

Religion in our culture is often considered a private matter apart from any type of close spiritual community. John Stott points out in The Cross of Christ "from the day of Pentecost onward it has been clear that conversion to Christ means conversion to the community of Christ." As Christians it would be na?ve to believe that we are not influenced by our culture's commitment to radical individualism. This workshop explores the risks and dangers of Christians living outside of Christian community and looks at the Biblical principle that a commitment to Christ is meant to be lived out in the context of a commitment to a Christian community.\r\n

The Call to Unity in a Divided Culture

Mike Woods
Romans 12:4-5

We live in a time where our culture is deeply divided. Politically, ethnically, and economically our culture is in constant conflict - even at a deep interpersonal level, close relationships and community are in a sharp decline. How can the Church find unity in such a divided landscape? We will look at what insight the Bible provides into how the Body of Christ can remain unified and interdependent even in this cultural climate.

The Confluence of Character and Competence in Leadership (Part 1)

Josh Benadum
1 Timothy 3:1-15

Being an effective spiritual leader requires more than charisma or influence. Good character, with the proper equipping is more important. 4 different qualities of this character include: hospitality, not being self-willed, gentleness, and enthusiasm. Josh breaks down the impact of neglecting growth in these areas and how to grow in them also.

What Does it Mean to Be Human?

Gary DeLashmutt
Genesis 2:5-25

A profoundly important study on what it means to be human. Many voices are clamoring for our attention on this topic with many different answers. There are huge implications to the answers we base our lives on ? will we trust God and His Word and allow Him to transform us according to His design or not?

Choosing Our Relationships Wisely

James Rochford
2 Corinthians 6:1-7:4

Paul writes to the Corinthian believers in the midst of his strained relationship with them. He points to his character and past conduct to refute false accusations, and encourages them to use wisdom when choosing with whom to begin close relationships.

The Culture of an Effective Team

Mike Sullivan
1 Thessalonians 2:17-3:13

Paul rejoices after hearing news that the church he planted in Thessalonica is doing well. Christians can examine the characteristics of his successful ministry team to form a model for our teams today.

Parenting and Hospitality

Liz Sweet
1 Thessalonians 2:17-3:13

Hospitality is a way to represent the great love God has for people. It is inviting people into not just your home but into your lives and hearts. Hospitality is authentic, genuine interaction including the laughter, as well as the messiness of life. It is a kind heart and a helping hand. Hospitality models for our children the value of people over stuff. Opening our homes to friends and strangers teaches our children how to treat people with courtesy and warmth.

Reflecting the Light of God

Dennis McCallum
2 Corinthians 4:1-18

When people first meet Christ, part of God lives inside of them. Why then do Christians go on sinning? How do people become more Christ-like? The answer is in the breaking down of the outer man. God oftentimes uses circumstances and suffering to lead His followers into becoming more and more like Christ.