Life in the Body of Christ

Scott Risley
Romans 12:6-13

In contrast to the common clergy-laity model, Paul describes a church that acts more like a body, in which each member has a specific and indispensable role to play. Within the body, God has a ministry for each person, and has given to each one spiritual gifts to build up the body. Relationships within the church should be characterized by sacrificial love for one another.

Members of One Another

Scott Risley
Romans 12:3-5

Paul uses the analogy of a body to describe the Biblical model of Christian community--one in which each member has a specific and indispensable role to play. In contrast to the traditional clergy/laity model, this pictures a community of believers in which each person is meaningfully engaged in ministry, service, and loving others.

Spiritual Communication

Jim Leffel
Colossians 4:5-6

Paul urges his audience to live wisely in order to display and communicate God's love clearly to those around them. This involves learning to communicate effectively, to identify with people, and to move towards those who are different just as Jesus did. As we demonstrate God's love through action and speech, we can share the message of the gospel with humility and excitement!\r\n

Becoming a Community of Truth

Mike Sullivan
Ephesians 4:14-15

Community is an integral and vital part of the Christian faith, but being a community of truth is something that often gets overlooked. We are called to be open with one another, as well as with God, not living double-lives or living in darkness. We need to be accountable to one another in healthy ways and in an environment that supports sharing what is really happening in our lives. Through regularly being involved in this kind of community, we can experience true growth and deep relationships.

Incorporating New Christians into Community

John Cleary
1 Peter 2:4-5

How can the church incorporate new Christians into the body of Christ? John Cleary talks about how to help new Christians get more involved in the body of Christ including: identifying who new Christians are, what the body looks like, and what our role is in this effort. He lays out 4 aspects of our role in this: developing our own depth and ownership in this area, building personal relationships, encouraging increasing involvement, and recognizing obstacles in winning people to more involvement.\r\n

God is Evident in a Community of Grace

Jim Leffel
Colossians 3:12-17

In true, vibrant Christian community God is displayed to the watching world. A community like this is focused on His grace, giving out sacrificially, and providing tangible evidence of His love through the way they love each other and those around them.

Stewards of the Mystery

Jim Leffel
Colossians 1:24-2:5

Christian community is comprised of individuals who are stewards of God's truth. Christ has accomplished our greatest need, but we now have a mission to carry out in building His kingdom on earth. Serving God involves a process of transformation of ourselves and others, freedom from the power of sin, and a focus on grace given to us by God through Christ.

8 Essential Attitudes (Part 1)

Dennis McCallum
Hebrews 13:1-2

A crucial attitude for Christians is a deep, sacrificial love towards both fellow Christians and non-Christians. This type of love is best practiced and grown within close interpersonal relationships through Christian community. A growing love within Christian community towards one another and the lost has a profound effect on experiencing and giving out God's love to a radical degree. A lack of this leads to superficial churches that aren't reflecting who God is.

Christian Freedom

Gary DeLashmutt
Galatians 5:1-15

Christians are set free from trying to gain God's approval from our works, and instead given true freedom through God's grace. Instead of using this new freedom to live for ourselves, we should use it to serve other people!