Should I Not Love this City? - God's Community Adorning the Gospel

John Cleary
Titus 2:9-10

We are called to go out from our circle of Christian friends into the cities around us, full of people who need to know God. Far too often, we fail to follow Jesus' example and his pursuit of people who are different from us. Because of this, our gifts are often never fully utilized. As we serve the communities we live in, we can answer the call to let our light shine before men. There are endless open doors for loving people through both word and deeds, something that will refresh us as well as give life to others.

The Presence of God

Gary DeLashmutt
John 17:21-24

The heart of heaven is being in God's presence. The biblical description of heaven is very different than in any other religion because the God of the Bible is very different that in any other religion. The picture of God in the Bible is that of a community of three beings in one. If we will spend the rest of eternity in community, we should start developing a taste for it now by prioritizing time with other Christians.

The Body of Christ

Jeff Gordon
1 Corinthians 12:12-31

The church is the Body of Christ, and the purpose of the church is to carry out the Will of God. All members of the Body of Christ have gifts and roles they can fulfill. Just like the different parts of the human body, members of the Body of Christ have different roles, but none are unimportant; we are able to use those gifts, both inside and outside the church, to fulfill the purpose God has for us.

Back to Jerusalem

Dennis McCallum
Acts 21:1-22:29

Paul makes his way back to Jerusalem, despite the warnings of those closest to him. Convinced that this is the Holy Spirit's leading, Paul comes to Jerusalem, meets with James to hear about God's work among the Gentiles, and foolishly nearly performs a ritual purification before he gets arrested. During his defense, Paul preaches boldly about God's work in his life, before presenting himself to go before trial to argue his innocence. This narrative of Paul's journey reflects the importance of drawing strength from the Body of Christ, and how the leading of the Holy Spirit could draw us into intense trouble.

The Ephesian Experience

Dennis McCallum
Acts 18:23-24

Paul makes his way to the city of Ephesus, spending three years ministering to Jews and Gentiles throughout Asia through house church movements. These movements were relational by nature, and have become the New Testament model for how God would spread His word throughout large areas. This movement stands in contrast to the religious model of worship, where a holy place and a holy person are needed to worship a deity. The local church being outward focused through house church movements was used powerfully by God to spread His message of forgiveness through Jesus Christ. This teaching includes multiple testimonies of people sharing their experience with high-quality fellowship.

Spiritual Renovation and Love Relationships

Gary DeLashmutt
Colossians 3:12-17

In order to mature in our relationship with God, the apostle Paul advocates that this can develop within our relationships with other Christians. Paul focuses on the importance of gratitude in our relationship with God. This can be cultivated through considering God's promises, being around thankful Christians, and being reminded of God's blessings. One of the primary ways we can grow in our love is through inter-dependent Christian relationships. These relationships should be characterized by: relational unity, forgiveness, and admonition towards spiritual maturity. The focal point of these relationships is sacrificial love towards one another, which comes from the love of God through Jesus Christ.

How a Pastor Must Die

Ajith Fernando
Matthew 5:23-24

Leaders have been called to die to self. The way to accomplish this task is by being committed to the body of Christ. Within this commitment must come a fight for unity. It is the unity within the church that demonstrates the power of God. This type of commitment will bring upon suffering but God's love and His power are greater than any suffering that will come.

Reaching High School & College Students

Scott Risley
Conrad Hilario
Matthew 5:23-24

Reaching and investing in high school and college students is vital, but comes with numerous obstacles. Students today have a difficult time valuing and seeing real truth, and we need to help equip them with God's truth to combat the cynicism they often feel toward it. We also need to help students see that their identity is in God, unwavering and valuable, instead of in the things that culture preaches. And we need to paint a vision for students to sell out for God, to buy into His truth, and make an investment there that will last into eternity. As we do this, we can paint a sincere vision for students that their contribution is needed and highly valued in God's kingdom.

Incorporating New Christians into Community

John Cleary
Matthew 5:23-24

There are several areas we must prioritize in under to incorporate new Christians into community. First, we must prioritize our own growth in the Gospel, ensuring that people are coming into a growing community. We must also ensure we are emphasizing our relationship with the person over the meeting. Often, we need to bring the community to the person, instead of expecting the person to come to the community. We must understand Satan's attempts to harm, and tackle the barriers to believers getting involved in fellowship, while also ensuring they are exposed to the Word, increasing their own personal learning. Finally, we must remember that we are assisting God in incorporating his people, and He has already designed them to uniquely fit into the body of Christ. \r\n