Intro to the Xenos Home Group Model

Phil Franck
Hebrews 10:24-25

This workshop includes a brief overview of the number and structure of home groups in Xenos, the history of how Xenos came to be, and how these home groups plant new groups. When a plant happens, new leaders must be considered through biblical criteria and raised up. There are several main areas that are crucial for leaders within the groups to focus on and emphasize, which include both evangelism and discipleship. We can promote both of these focuses in our home groups in numerous ways as we equip ourselves with some practical suggestions.

Hospitality - How to Make Your Home a Welcoming Place

Patrice McCormac
Hebrews 10:24-25

The words entertainment and hospitality are often used interchangeably, but they are quite different from each other. Entertaining seeks to impress and places things before people, causing us to worry about making sure the house is clean and well-decorated. Hospitality puts people before things and is a demonstration of sacrificial love, that we welcome friends and strangers into our home and give generously to them. As we look at the true definition of hospitality, analyze what really makes people feel welcome into a home, and make a plan to get started, we can move toward answering God's call in this area of our lives.

Multiplication - Effective Method or Biblical Principle?

Jim Leffel
Acts 2:46

The biblical principle that we see throughout scripture is church growth through organic reproduction. This model is not only successful all over the world but it is the most sustainable. Multiplication through home church planting leads to quality growth because it is reflected in personal discipleship. Jesus said: go and make disciples.

What is the Difference Between a Country Club and the Body of Christ?

Dennis McCallum
2 Thessalonians 2:15-3:18

Paul writes in his letter about discipline in the church, and how discipline is for the good of the believer and for the good of the group. Unlike judgment, discipline is looking toward the future, giving someone knowledge of and tools for what they need to change. In groups that do not have discipline, lives don't change, there is low morale, and major change by God isn't seen.

Keys to Healthy Home Group Meetings

Gary DeLashmutt
Acts 2:42

Paul in his letter to the Corinthians gives five keys to having a healthy home group meeting: 1) it requires people who have made a commitment to gather regularly; 2) expect Christ to be present and active in your meeting; 3) seek to edify your brothers and your sisters; 4) pray aloud and prophesy; 5) invite guests and trust that God will speak to them.

Striving to Love One Another

Scott Risley
1 Thessalonians 5:14-15

Paul directs the Thessalonians to help three specific groups of people in three specific ways: 1) admonish the unruly, lazy, and rebellious; 2) encourage the fainthearted, suffering, or those facing failures; 3) help the spiritually and physically weak. Paul also calls the church to be patient and gracious with all types of people.

Serving Love and the Body of Christ (Part 2)

Dennis McCallum
1 Thessalonians 5:11-15

In the Body of Christ, Christians are called to warn, encourage, help, and extend grace to one another. All of these actions are to be done with the vital quality of patience, a quality that differs drastically from softness. When these actions are consistently practiced in a community of believers, true spiritual growth and a tangible demonstration of God's love ensues.

Serving Love and the Body of Christ (Part 1)

Dennis McCallum
Mark 10:42-45

Paul commands the Thessalonian believers to respect their leaders and to live peaceably with everyone. But what is biblical leadership? The Bible is clear that God calls and appoints leaders, and these leaders are then recognized by others for their proven service to God and His people. These leaders must be relatively more mature than others in the church, exhibit godly character, and have a solid foundation in God's truth. Those who have not been called into leadership yet should cultivate a healthy appreciation for their leaders and work towards becoming spiritual leaders themselves.

Close Christ-Centered Friendships

Gary DeLashmutt
Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

God wants us to be able to have relationships that can go deeper than just a casual friendship. These close friendships involve regular time spent, vulnerability, and sacrificially loving one another. These relationships are often the venue for us to experience true Biblical love.